
Responses from avanti1960

Warm, yet detailed tube preamp
LTA has the most neutral sound of any tube based products I have heard.  I like it but warm it isnt.  A Rogue Audio RP 5 is definitely warm and polished, a Rogue Audio RP 7 was actually too warm in my system.   Cary Audio SLP 98 is the ticket be... 
Cartridge and phono stage matching
@pgreene  try lowering the gain on your phono preamp and clean your stylus  
Would changing to a MC solve my problem?
@traudioca  Not a fan of your cartridge and I would recommend a LOMC of .5mv using 64 db gain on your V10 but don't throw in the towel just yet.   Use the XLR out of your V10 in MM mode and you can get 50 db gain which should be perfect for your... 
Mofi Sourcepoint 888?
@patrickdowns As deep mentioned, the HiFi Rose Integrated RA180. Definitely listen with another amp before you buy.   I can hear the issue with this video- listen with a good set of headphones.   MoFi SourcePoint 888 Speakers at AXPONA 2024 (... 
Mofi Sourcepoint 888?
Listened long at AXPONA and they did many things impressively except for the upper midrange lower treble dry, brash flavor.  Turns out to be present in the entire line.  Possibly due to the amplification but I heard what I heard.   In the $5K ran... 
Which has a greater influence on sound quality, the amp or the preamp?
Each are important but a high quality, low noise high gain preamp can bring your system to a higher level of excitement and dynamics than a basic preamp connected to a powerhouse amp.    
What if a high end speaker measures really badly?
A 1 meter anechoic on-axis plot does not tell the complete story of how a set of speakers will sound but should not be ignored depending on what you are looking for. In the case of this speaker, looking at the wider peaks and valleys tells part o... 
Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range?
Non fatiguing is easy to find but shouldn't be the only thing on the list.  A smooth speaker that sounds slow, lacks micro dynamics, obscures detail and adds coloration may sound uninvolving and boring.        
Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range?
@mikhailark  save yourself 5k and get the SVS Ultra Evolution Pinnacle Tower.  I heard them and the sound was totally unique and unfatiguing.  See the review at Audioholics  
Requesting opinions about 4 specific amplifiers
@jpipes  You can mix and match McIntosh pieces just like any other brand as long as they are electrically compatible.  In fact the Mac preamps are IMHO the weak link to an overly warm, rounded off sound.   Power amps are where they excel and the... 
Requesting opinions about 4 specific amplifiers
I was in a similar boat a few years ago and cycled through many amps when I was looking to upgrade in power from my Pass Labs XA25.     Pass XA30.8 which sounds identical to the 150.8 was too overtly smooth and euphoric.  The Parasound JC5 had exc... 
Anyone else order Caladans from Clayton Shaw?
Heard both the Caladans and Pure Audio Duet 15 at AXPONA.  To me both speakers sounded enjoyable and appropriate for their price difference, the PAP being almost double the price of the Cals.  The Cals are good but not giant killers.  The Pure Aud... 
My new Borresen X3's
I listened to the X2, X1 and X3 at different times.  I liked the X2 at first but it had poor center imaging, drove me nuts.  liked the clarity and dynamics though.    Listened again a few weeks later to the X3 and X1-  I heard the shifted center i... 
High sensitivity (99) with mid powered (50 to 100 wpc/tube) amps?
@immatthewj I auditioned the Forte IV a couple weeks ago and cannot recommend them. I was looking at the possibility of a more full range bass response than my Spendor D7.2 towers and a more present, dynamic presentation. Unfortunately the Forte... 
IME $2K LOMC Cartridge- 10 / 10. The best sound I have heard vinyl make in my system. $2K MI Cartridge- 7 / 10. Tried a supposed excellent MI cartridge and it was a disappointment. $1K MM Cartridge- 6/10. Not bad but still did not compete with ...