

Responses from baylinor

Homage to those who are pleased with your audio rig
@ronboco  Thanks. The walls and ceilings were built purely for soundproofing, which if you want to have a dead quiet room and have to deal with close neighbors, is mandatory. No sound in, no sound out. Then comes the acoustic treatment. Separate... 
Homage to those who are pleased with your audio rig
Only thing left is streaming for me. In fact starting getting stuff for it this week. Other than that, my system is now completly satisfying, analog rig, digital CD and digital audio tuner rig. Simplest way to find out how I got there is to see my... 
Why Is Hi Fi Gear So Darn Expensive?
My take is with the growing number of multi millionaires/billionaires, high end products of any kind, not just in audio, can be priced at whatever that market will pay. The end result is the masses are losing, the real high tech stuff is now out o... 
Soundstage and image height, does it exist?
In my fully acoustically treated house of stereo with 9 ft ceiling, I have used 40" tall towers and 69" ones. Both pairs projected imaging all the way to the top of the wall. So, in my case, yes.   
Mad Scientist Graphene Contact Enhancer
I have many uses for vaseline on my aging body, so there is not enough left for my wires.  
Cd transport
So cable upgrades are fruitless and now CD transports are too according to negative Nancy. My Jay's cdt2 mk3 is a monumental rebuttal to those claims. I owned a ps audio pwt cd transport and a Cambridge CXC and the Jay's has simply put them to sha... 
Advice from Audiogon family - best speaker $3k-$4k
In that price range +1 on the Sierra towers with raal recommendation. Had a pair for 8 years, great imaging and depth, wide soundstage, very airy and detailed with yet excellent bass.  
Beware poor sounding media
Poor sounding records are plentiful. That's why I appreciate the options to semi control some of their inadequacies. More specifically tone down the bright ones and liven up the dull ones. On digital I do it with the DAC OS filters and NOS setting... 
What's the heaviest speaker you've ever owned? What's the tallest?
PBN Montana XPS speakers. 214 lbs each. 5'9" tall with spikes on 2" thick butcher block. You can see them in my system right now.  
Perimeter Ring Clamps: Yay?, Nay?, Sources??
I've had a TTW V2 ring for years. You can see it on a pic in my system. I use it for every record, flat or not. It is incredibly simple to use once you get into the habit of doing it. I have never had an issue with it interfering with either the V... 
Is There A Big Difference Between Subwoofers From Different Manufacturers
The good thing about Rythmick subs is they are down the street from me in Austin for easy pick up. The bad thing about all the other brands is I have to pay dearly to get those big heavy bad boys shipped to me. Guess what brand dual subs I have.  
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
Free jazz and Nashville country in general. I need serious help!  
Cable curmudgeon
@clearthinker  Since seeing your posting of prog rock disdain on a recent discussion and now your strong support of this new two posts OP while insulting long time members, I would really be interested in seeing pictures of your system. You know,... 
Cable curmudgeon
Make sure you don't sit on that flute 😯  
Best progressive rock album side
@simonmoon  Don't worry about the negative nancies. I listen to the few bands you listed as recent prog and really liked All traps on Earth A drop of light. More punch than the others in a zeul sort of way. Saw Magma live in Geneva Switzerland ar...