

Responses from baylinor

A first
Frankly, most people I know who truly care about sound are on this site and other audiophile sites. My buddies could give a crap about sound even the ones who love music. Got only a handful of people in my house of stereo so far and all were amaze... 
Chill Out; Get Outside of yourself
Preaching to the choir. In my younger days I climbed half the 54 Colorado fourteeners. Skied a few and even mountain biked one. The world viewed from the top is the most serene thing you can do. Now at 67, it's time to rest 🙂  
Buyer Beware
Not an issue for me. NEVER buy from any seller on any site with less than a handful of feedbacks. I have turned down no feedbacks buyers left and right and sold a dozen items to multiple positive feedbacks only customers and never had a single pr... 
How best to eliminate LP warps
That one went right over the top of my head lol. Was wondering what you were referring to. The lad made me think you were english.  Thanks for the explanation, it restores my view of humanity 🙂  
How best to eliminate LP warps
@edcyn  Such cheap shot without any explanation. Sad. Whatever floats your boat I guess. Sad again.  
Digital Interconnects - Which one is the BEST ??!!
Best to worse: I2s AES/XLR Coax Optical  
How best to eliminate LP warps
OUTER RING. It will flatten out pretty much anything while you play it. Who cares what it looks like in the sleeve. A must on my rig.  
Yep much to do about nothing. Fear brains.
Anyway, this discussion should be deleted by the administration as it has become nothing but a political football. Nothing to do with audio. Sigh.  
Best XLRs under $500 a pair
As mentioned by nonoise, I use Audio Envy O'nestian XLR and can confirm they are a huge upgrade over single RCA, specially between the source and the dac.  
Many higher end preamps are dated and ugly, why is this?
Some manufacturers believe sound and value are more important than looks to many including I. Wyred4sound is a perfect example of that and I thank them.  
Yep much to do about nothing. Fear brains.
The rest of the world has always LOVED American presidents they can take advantage of. Enough said.  
How important is spending time with your gear?
Remote controls make hiding equipment impossible for me. Enough said!  
Spendor D9.2 Run In
My PNB Montana XPS speakers reportedly take 450 hrs to break-in. Good thing I bought them used 🥴  
Audioquest Storm Series power cables
Upgrading PC did nothing for me, however upgrading IC has made significant improvements.   
Question about speaker angle
In a well acoustically treated room where first reflections are specially well controlled, no toe in is best in my experience. Wide soundstage, no harshness at all and yet great defined center imaging. The key to speaker toe in is the room. Never ...