
Responses from bjbcab

Wilson Watt Puppy, which version?
Well I doubt any dealer will stock prior W/P series speakers but they do have a customer base and from time to time their customers will want to trade up to another Wilson speaker. You would be helping facilitate this move. You may pay a premium t... 
Wilson Watt Puppy, which version?
Vdosc,I personally would try to stretch a bit and get the W8. IMO it is smoother on the top end and has a more natural bottom end. it is a more coherent speaker. If this is not possible then I would go W7. The Sopia 2 could also be a possibility b... 
Wilson Watt Puppy, which version?
"Upgrade1394---you are mistaken. the short life of the 8 was due to the Magico V3 which was a better speaker at a lower price."Obviously you have never auditioned the V3, W8 or Sasha or you listened to the Wilsons in less than ideal conditions. I ... 
Considering analog...but nervous
Hey Fatghost, I say go for it. I just did. I should have my analog set up in the next two weeks. In your original post you mention that your digital tends to be on the bright side on some material. Well that could be your digital source but mostly... 
Ayre XK-R vs Pass Lab XP-20?
Mjmch2003,No offense but I see you have the K5xe which is a good pre but not close to the KX-R. I owne the K5xe MP and auditioned the KX-R in direct comparison. I loved the KX-R but I could not swing the extra cost. If I may suggest the MP upgrade... 
Avalon Acoustics vs Wilson Audio
Kazmann,If you go with the Sasha you will need to step it up with the amplification and source equipment. The V5xe will not be enough to properly drive the Sasha IMO. I have not auditioned Avalon Acoustics but I am told they are very good by an au... 
Downsizing from Ayre MX-R monoblocks
I have the MX-R with Wilson Sasha. I listened to the Naim Supernait with the Sasha and I was impressed. I don't know how this would match up with the speakers you are describing but if you like the MX-R sound you may like the Naim. 
Lamm 1.2 or Ayre MXR's
If you audition the MXR's turn them on an our or two before listening. They need to be warmed up to sound their best. Also, if you buy them replace all fuses, inside and out, with hi fi tuning fuses. It is a noticeable difference. 
New Wilson Sasha VS Wilson Audio Sophia 2
Madfloyd. I have Ayre mx-r and they sound wonderful. Very smooth with plenty of womph when you need it. I am not getting all i can from them as I need to upgrade pre. k5xe is nice but compared to kx-r not close. I understand Nagra pre is a good ma... 
Wilson Audio- The rest of the story
Ricred1-- congratulations on your purchase and it is nice to hear of companies doing things the right way.I had similar experience last year when I purchased my w/p 8. Wilson told me they were replacing with Sasha. This was in feb or march. Offere... 
Thiel 3.7 vs Dynaudio C4
Toetapfactor,In the Thiel vs. Wilson Sasha thread that Actuary616 started. The post was on 8/4/2010. 
Your First Concert was.....
Kiss with Styx. I think 1977 @ The Summit in Houston, TX 
Thiel 3.7 vs Dynaudio C4
I really don't understand how you can compare C4 to Thiel 3.7 when you have not auditioned. You are going to give your friend a comparison for purpose of making a purchase based on what strangers are telling you? You stated that you have listened ... 
Thiel 3.7 vs Dynaudio C4
You really need validation that you have the best "reasonably" priced speakers don't you. Congrats on your system and just enjoy. 
Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?
So who the hell carries Pass? All I ever see is Reno Hi-Fi and some weird statement on Pass' website about making mistakes. I haven't been there recently but this is what I found a few months ago.