
Responses from chayro

Real Music vs Audiophile Mumbo Jumbo
I agree with Albertporter - For years, I've been saying that many alleged hi-end fans would be happier and better served with a good sound reinforcement system. Then again, there is always Wilson. As to Klipshorns sounding like real music, to me t... 
Amp Suggestions for Harbeth C7es3
The amp and speakers you have are an excellent match. I think your problems lie elsewhere. Naim products are excellent on their own, but the upgraded power supplies really take the products to a new level. I would definitely try a HiCap on the Sup... 
Nordost Red Down or Zu Wax
I cut my brake line and found only brake fluid. I hope my wife fixed it before she went out. 
Isolation for Rega Apollo / Saturn?
In my experience, all of these feet/cones whatevers, are tuning devices and their effectiveness is system and taste-dependent. Personally, I've never found any device that improves every sonic area across the board, although I haven't tried everyt... 
Try a different turntable?
Being you are in a position to experiment, I would purchase a used LP12/Ittok IF, and only if, you have a local person who can set it up for you. I'm not suggesting it will sound better than what you have, but it will sound different and not cost ... 
Reimyo DAP777 or Dodson 218 ?
I've never heard the adjectives "spicy" and "cooked" used in a hifi review. First time for everything, I guess. 
8 ohm speaker that sounds like sonus faber
Check out the Opera line 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
There's a ModWright 5400 up for sale now. Perhaps the seller can shed some light on the sonics? 
Janis Subwoofer Help
You can't have it both ways - a dirt cheap price and a guarantee of what it's going to take to fix. At $200, I would buy it and take my chances, but I don't know what your finances are. If $200 is a lot of money to you, I wouldn't bother. I do bel... 
Paradigm Studio 60 V5 Fingernails on Chalkboard
Good idea, Bob. I think what many of us find out is that we have to spend more than we thought to get sound that we really like, but it's worth the money. Good luck. 
Paradigm Studio 60 V5 Fingernails on Chalkboard
You may not like this answer, but I think you should speak with a decent audio dealer who can help you address these issues. They can help you isolate the cause of your problems with the system. Here, you'll only get well-meaning guesses. If you w... 
Meridian 808.3
Why, are you seriously considering a $20K CD player? If you are, I'm sure there are several dealers who will be happy to give you all the particulars. 
Please simplify Disc Doctor Cleaner w/ VPI 16.5
Sounds like you are stuck in record cleaning hell. I suggest you buy a large bottle of Nitty Gritty Pure 2 and give the record a thorough one-step cleaning and vacuum. I think it works great on records without any unusual problems, which may requi... 
Monitors for a small room - please help
The Opera Callas Monitors are great small-room, low-volume speakers. There's a pair up for sale now. No connection with the seller. 
Modwright Ultimate Sony xa5400 sacd -Review
I cannot imagine an "outcry" for a $1500 CD player sufficient to influence a company as big as Sony. I'm not saying it's not true, but it's difficult to believe that many people are demanding a CD player that the average person would consider insa...