
Responses from chayro

What amp are you using with your Zu Essences?
02-11-11: Atmasphere wrote:Audiofeil's comment about OTLs and ZUs is incorrect. There don't seem to be any OTLs that will not drive the 6 ohm ZUs quite well.No good deed goes unpunished. 
Why Use Aluminum for a TT Platter?
02-09-11: Wntrmute2 wrote:"Belt terms of speed accuracy, are clearly inferior to properly implemented direct drive tables."Humm, proof, evidence to back this up?-----I was going to ask this as well, until I realized who the author was.... 
Fritz Carbon 7's vs. Dynaudio 1.3SE
Downsize? The Carbon 7s are like $1700. How much would you be pocketing if you sold your Special 25s? Not enough to change a speaker that you like, I would think. Sounds like you just want something new. Nothing wrong with that. 
Sibilance issues with vinyl rig
I would try to engage the services of a good tt setup person to help you through these issues. BTW, a lot of records just sound like crap, so it may not be your tt or setup. An experienced setup person can sort this out for you. I think that if so... 
The Best Audiophile Earphones headphones and Amp
One thing you should consider is whether you require sealed phones or not. Many phones, such as Grado, are "open" and you can hear every sound in the room while you're listening. The makers of such designs feel that this gives the best sound, but ... 
Replace wall wart to Simaudio LP3
I just said it doesn't sound like fun to ME. Everyone should enjoy their audio system in their own way. Some like to listen to music and some like to futz around with gear. Makes no difference to me as long as I don't have to pay for it. Enjoy you... 
Replace wall wart to Simaudio LP3
Just picking up a brand new phono stage and immediately thinking about replacing the power supply doesn't sound like much fun to me. 
Considering analog...but nervous
Vinyl absolutely requires more of a commitment than digital, but many feel it's worth it. Yes, there will always be some noise somewhere on the records, but if you're buying new vinyl, it should be minimal and outweighed by the better sound - assu... 
Lyra Dorian load
I would think that the same person who was sophisticated enough to trace the fault to your phono stage load would be able to advise you. That aside, I've run my Argo at 100 and 200 and I thought it sounded very good at both settings. 
Does the wilson sophia 1 sound good only with perf
I'm not a Sophia owner or Wilson defender (or detractor), but I've heard the Sophia 1's many times and have found them to sound completely different depending on the gear. The first few times, I thought the midrange was terrible. Closed-in vocals,... 
Opinions please re: the MM cartridges on Mus. Hall
I found that a Herbies mat on the MMF5 made a huge difference in the bass performance. OTOH, I HATED it on my Linn, so go figure. I would try a Herbies mat before doing any upgrades to the MMF5. 
Does the wilson sophia 1 sound good only with perf
I don't often quote Peter Aczel (The Audio Critic, for you newbies)but I agree with him in that the most important element in the heirarchy of hifi is the recording. That doesn't mean not to listen to worthwhile music that is poorly recorded, but ... 
Does the wilson sophia 1 sound good only with perf
Badly recorded music sounds bad on any speaker. Fact of life, Grasshopper. 
Real Music vs Audiophile Mumbo Jumbo
Yahoochaz - I can certainly see (and hear) the appeal of these speakers. I was a professional musician myself for many years and did a considerable amount of work in a fairly prominent recording studio that used K-horns for monitors, in addition t... 
Real Music vs Audiophile Mumbo Jumbo
I agree with Albertporter - For years, I've been saying that many alleged hi-end fans would be happier and better served with a good sound reinforcement system. Then again, there is always Wilson. As to Klipshorns sounding like real music, to me t...