
Responses from colitas

Album cd or LP with best bass for new subwoofer
i really like the kick drum on Pink Floyd's the Wall. Try "Hey You" hell the whole album rocks! 
What music do you want to play really loud?
John Coltrane "Ascension" all the way up to 11! 
I finally compared CD to vinyl and...
Depending on your budget! Having gone through the newbie beginnigs, I can suggest that you could build a quality system aound a fullt modded Rega 250 tonearm. I would change the endstub to a 2xtreme end stub, from Express Machining. I have tried b... 
Why Don't People Search The Forum Archives?
Even after searching and reading the archives there are still questions to be had on prior information. "Strange Tonearm Tweak", being my example, an extremely long thread begun by TWL. Even in this long thread there was no mention of cartridge co... 
Rega or VPI
What about SOTA? I just moved laterally from a P3 to a SOTA Sapphire series II. The sound was starkly better, blacker background, better inner detail, the instruments seemed clearer, less distortion. You get the picture. There is a Sapphire fitted... 
I could use some jazz mentoring.
How about Chet Baker for moody. On Coltrane(tenor sax) try Coltrane plays the blues, his later stuff classifies as free jazz. 
Please help, obsessive audiophile question
Rlips, this may seem naive, but have you checked your phasing. This did the trick with my Maggies, the left speaker was hooked up wrong (+ & - reversed). This made up the difference. To do the ear thing I think you need absinthe, I hear Van Go... 
Gruve Glide
Dougdeacon, I have heard of this same type of contraption, called a UFO. No, not out at Area 51 either. I will go to E-bay immediately! 
Gruve Glide
GroovMaster? Huh? Please elaborate. I must confess the most extensive cleaning I have done is using the Discwasher brush with some anti-static cleaner, rotating the platter(when off) and applying pressure. I would slowly roll the brush up lifting ... 
Gruve Glide
Is it OK to use this product without vacuum cleaning? Music Direct suggets vacuuming first then Gruv-Glide. I do not have a vacuum machine, any other ideas? 
Gruve Glide
I was wondering about the Gruv Glide's performance. I just bought Pink Floyd's WYWH on the Sony/Cbs Mastersound issue. The record has some loud pops. Just wondering which way to go for cleaning Disc Doctor and their brushes or Gruv Glide? Hey Scot... 
Need help picking budget Turntable
Thanks johnnantais for the advice! 
Need help picking budget Turntable
Johnnantais, the Sota is presents a better backdrop for the music. I finally can get Mile's on "Bitches Brew" to come in clear. There are some really long notes on that album that always test the upper range of a table/cartridge. Timing? hmmm Well... 
Need help picking budget Turntable
Good points Johnnantais, I guess I misperceived the true intention of your comments. I do understand the variables involved of a controled experiment. Do you have a 250 you could test? Just curious, you seem to have been in this longer than I have... 
Need help picking budget Turntable
johnnantais, I do not believe the tear-drop shape is the answer because they both have a hole that is off center. I think the difference is in the material used Heavyweight is stainless while the Kerry is titanium. Just a thought, having owned bot...