
Responses from dan_ed

Benefits of a record ring
It is even more impressive to watch Doug and Paul as they tune. A glance, a nod, a tilt of the head, some mumbling, etc. Sometimes it is just a shoulder shrug. :-) Can't say I have ever heard them go the wrong way.I can't help but think that the e... 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
I used Peter's service about 4 years ago. Excellent results, BTW. It took maybe 6 weeks. Since then it seems his work load has exploded. Not fun waiting, I know. Reminds me of the great restaurant that everyone loves, so it takes 1 1/2 hours to ge... 
New to tubes
what happened to the edit feature! :-)the knob position thing isn't comparing apples to apples most likely. that could happen between any preamp/amp, integrated depending on the position of gain stages or ration of attenuation. 
New to tubes
Double the power because of tubes? Your dealer lied. 
Loss of Highs
Yep, good luck with that noise. It sounds like it might be an older Rhea. I owned one, for a little while. 
TT to another room, no vibs, better sounds?
Cables over priced!?! No, really? :-) :-) Those same high priced SE cables you refer to all seem to have an even pricier balanced option. It is not the topology that people are willing to pay for. People who spend big bucks on cables do so for the... 
TT to another room, no vibs, better sounds?
Balanced helps with noise rejection, but does not necessarily mean resolution will not be affected by the length, IMO. 
What to replace Nordost speaker cable?
Hi Gherreral,If you like Nordost I highly encourage you to try the Clear Day double shotgun cables. I use them in my system along with NOrdost Valkyrja speaker cables and ICs. The Clear Day have better mid to low end response than the Valkyrja, wh... 
vinyl cleaning with wood glue....works?
JOhnnyb53, the point was that what Davidsss described sounded to me like damaged vinyl. Not that the glue was going to hurt the LP. As David reports back, that indeed is the case.Maybe someone should drop the glue thing and come up with a vinyl sp... 
TT to another room, no vibs, better sounds?
Ah, Mafuta! A man after my own heart. There is NO getting way from my two bass horns. They easily energize the entire house. I'd have to move my table about 100 yards to the neighbors, but I don't trust them with my gear or my records. :-)With due... 
vinyl cleaning with wood glue....works?
good luck, but it sounds like damage to me 
MintLP Protractor for the JMW-9T tonearm
My take is Kip wants to give you a good tool that will serve you well. In cases like this where there is a question as to what the actual effective length is, I believe he wishes the purchaser to do the running down of the information needed. Anyt... 
Azimuth observations and importance
Using a DMM that has hold capability can also help when doing this without filters. You are most likely seeing the noise peaks, but it is still ok enough to find a good starting point with the meter method. But I have found this to be only a crutc... 
My experience with changing azimuth
with Joel's tonearm, AZ adjustment done right is even easier to do. One can easily listen to the sonic changes as the AZ adjustment screw is turned. Even with all settings only partly optimized Joel's Talea is an amazing arm. I am committed to get... 
Rhea Noise
Xagwell, I guess the Rhea didn't work out for you.