
Responses from dan_ed

Cart not parallel after Mint LP alignment?
Hi VP,I've been watching this thread and would like to offer that I have been waiting for this moment when you might catch on that there is more to this vinyl thing than just following the crowd or picking up the latest doo-whacky. ;-) I don't mea... 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
No_regrets,Something is blocking the website. There seems to be wide-spread network issues since that McAfee fiasco. Then again, the Chinese Red Army may be playing wargames again. :-)But, I got into a page from the website and found this at the b... 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
To each his own. If you have no plans to change cartridges and want to get your cartridge fixed respectfully and for a great price, Soundsmith is an excellent service. You will still hear the characteristics of the cartridge and you just may even ... 
SME V or Graham 2.2 on Michell Gyro SE
Something tells me Atmosphere has been around a few blocks himself. :-) I would assume Ssayeed is going to use his current Benz M2. If that is the case both arms should work well. I've not owned the SME, but I found the 2.2 not as enjoyable with l... 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
Don't forget, Raul, I'm a mere 250 miles from Soundsmith. :-) 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
Thanks Raul. I did know about VdH. But then there is that added shipping cost, etc. ;-) Fortunately, I don't need such service as often as you most likely do since I only have 3 carts, so a few weeks doesn't matter to me. 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
Now you have me bewildered. Perhaps there is a language barrier at play?4/18 I always get my cartdridge retip Transfiguration Orpheus through 4/19 I only upgrade my cardridge when its time no retip 
Strange phenomona this hobby.
I measure my room's response all the time. Try getting a 4-way horn system integrated without doing so. It is an effort in frustration. ;-) Still, it is not the complete story else we could all just measure and be assured of great sound, IMO. For ... 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
Ebm, does Profundo do cartridge repairs? I don't see any mention of that service on their website? Could it be that you are trading in your cartridge for a rebuilt one? There is nothing wrong with that, most cartridge makers work that way. However... 
Cleaning vinyl with auto detailing clay
May I ask what lubricant you used and how did you get that off? There are cleaning and treatment products that do purposely leave behind lubricants. Folks who use them claim their vinyl has never been so quiet. They also seem to be missing quite a... 
Is it possible? A good solution?
But why do analog at all? You are chopping up an analog signal to convert to digital. Then, you are hoping to reconstruct that signal, for the most part. What can the benefit possibly be? 
Record Clamps, which one and why?
This, as the OP has found, is going to be dependent on the particular clamp and the particular platter involved, IME. For instance. Even though a clamp or weight sounds like it solidifies lower frequency sounds, it may well be doing this at the ex... 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
Thanks Tjnif. Ok, Ebm. I'll bite. What's a real company, in your opinion? 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
Well said, l2red! Tknif, Peter fixed my XV1s a few years back. Please post back on your thoughts of how it performs and how you think it has changed. TIA 
Benefits of a record ring
HI Mosin,my thoughts were following your line of thinking as well. The lighter platters of most rim and DD tables may have issues with the additional mass added. When the platter weighs 30+ pounds the additional mass on the circumference may not m...