Responses from dan_ed
Granite under wood for better isolation? Put the granite into a sand box. All ringing will be gone.That is exactly what I have. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. It helps some but the granite still rings. that is why I placed Stillpoints between the granite and my turntable, to isolate the... | |
cleaning the pins of NOS tubes...bad idea? Pencil eraser and alcohol wipes. Safe, effective, cheap, tried and true. | |
vinyl cleaning with wood glue....works? Personally, I think this is a dumb idea. Steam works, try it instead. | |
Stereo Separation - Turntable yes, this is typical of many jazz albums. I subscribe to the Music Matters repro's of Blue Notes and there are many that present this way. I can see why it would bother those who look always for how well their system stack up to those audiophile p... | |
Steam Cleaning Damage I seriously doubt you damaged the vinyl with one of these clothing steamers unless you held it in one place for a while. You'd know it was happening because the edge will start to warp. Even so these warps will usually relax back into place once t... | |
Quest to achieve live sound Yeah, jbl pro drivers don't work in the home. Right. Then don't look at my speaker system. ;-) This audiophile foolishness gets in people's way, IMO. I think many move away from this type of approach because they have heard something somewhere tha... | |
Granite under wood for better isolation? I went the granite route under my table as well, and then discovered what a mistake it was. Granite rings at fairly high frequencies so you can hear the smearing that results. But it looks wonderful, Dakota Mahogany granite. I also tried a hard ma... | |
Anyone heard the Nordost Odin cables ? Mert, that may be true in your system but not in someone else's. For instance, I see you use PAD power cord. I could not get PAD cables out of my system fast enough. Slow, plodding, darkly colored. What did I change to? Nordost. :-) Because they d... | |
Ideal Preamp/Processor for 2-Channel & Phono Stage I hear what you're saying. I'm debating something similar in regards to my analog playback. I'd like to add active crossover and EQ for the bass to improve my horns, but it seems counterproductive to process that signal much. I guess buying some u... | |
When did you ever hear a system sound so life-like Not life-like is the last refuge of the audiophile scoundrel. :-) By that I mean it gives us something to hide behind when our systems don't quite move us enough. And yet, isn't it still the goal? | |
Ideal Preamp/Processor for 2-Channel & Phono Stage I apologize. I have no idea why you're trying to do what you're doing with your phono stage. Thanks for the link and the education. I don't agree with everything he says, but I'm obviously coming at music reproduction from 180 degrees out of phase. | |
Ideal Preamp/Processor for 2-Channel & Phono Stage Mark,take a look at this article on the Definition Pros. If they are bi-ampable, you can run a line-level crossover.6 moons reviewA bass guitar can reach down to ~30Hz and I'm sure we've all heard a bass player move around the stage. There are ple... | |
Ideal Preamp/Processor for 2-Channel & Phono Stage I think you may do much better with an active line-level crossover. I can see EQing below 200Hz but why do you think you need to equalize higher up. Or did I read that wrong?"Mono bass below 80Hz is not a problem since we cannot localize bass at t... | |
LP Cleaning brush Steam, and maybe those cheapy VPI felt brushes. No need for anything else in my cleaning procedure. | |
Has anyone tried Clear Day Cables? I've been using a pair of the double shotguns for about a year. This speaker cable really is one of the true bargains in this hobby. They have excellent bass and mid-range clarity and detail. The Clear Days don't quite do the HF extension as well ... |