Responses from elevick
Beware of Sony and Rootkits SONY LOST-read today's NYT. Sony is recalling all cd's with copy protection. For once, the little guy wins! | |
PC as a transport vs Regular transport or player I tried it. Most USB to DAC's can't touch the quality of even a mid line cd player. I couldn't find an external computer USB that even came close in quality to my pioneer dvd player's sound.The only other option is USB to something like the Live24... | |
In-Wall Speaker Placement Question First, light a fire and see how warm it gets above the fireplace. You may need a bigger mantle to block the heat. Also, isn't that a little high for a tv? I would need to sit in a lazy boy to watch tv above my fireplace without getting a neck ache... | |
Home cinema newbie questions...preamp advice John,I do agree with you on imaging properly. I guess that 5.1 is designed for 2 reasons these days: 1-It's idiot proof to put the center channel in to avoid imaging problems. 2-To most people, movies are a group or family event. Not everyone fits... | |
Home cinema newbie questions...preamp advice I disagree. The center channel on most 5.1 tracks is by far the most used. I think that for theater, the center is the most important speaker. Get a matching center and a sub and find another belles to power them both? | |
Multizone Stereo System Setup You really should get a solid power amp like parasound to run the system. The internal amps in most receivers can't hack it. You will also need an impedance matching speaker selector. This is where all of the speakers will be hooked in to. Finally... | |
Beware Sony CDs on your PCs By the way, a great way to avoid adware-Go to firefox.com and install Mozilla. Use this instead of IE. It will even import your settings from IE but virtually no pop-ups or problems. After that, go to lavasoft.de, follow the link to downloads.com ... | |
Question = High Definition Radio Capabilities Nice to see that you still get quality radio. Pittsburgh doesn't anymore.Yes, I use xm on my computer. However, I would never bother running XM through my single ended triode gear. I would rather spin an album.Happy Listening. | |
SUGGESTIONS :1500 -2000 DOLLAR 5.1 SPEAKER SYSTEM Spend $1500 on Soliquoy Sat-5's and buy your wife a really nice rug or tapestry for the remaining $500. If you have to, buy even less expensive speakers and buy both the tapestry and an area rug.Nothing will sound good if you don't dampen the soun... | |
Need help using a subwoofer crossover I would think that you want some overlap. Even a really good crossover won't simply "cut-off" at 120hz exactly. The question is what will cause worse sound, a little overlap or a gap in frequencies? | |
Speakers Cables With Better Top End Extension Nordost tend to be almost "bright" and quite revealing. | |
suggest receivers for magnepan MMG or MMGW HT You can get away with a lower powered, higher quality receiver like B&K if you use killer subs. Set the crossover higher (120hz?) and it will help greatly with the demand on the receiver.However, if you haven't tried the maggies already, bewar... | |
Beware Sony CDs on your PCs Hey, let's send these back to sony.com?????Send everyone the infected file/s with a huge warning to not open. Then we can all email sony tech support and give them their files back? | |
Question = High Definition Radio Capabilities You have to do some serious research. Most radio stations are sending out such garbage (compressed or worse)that it probably won't be worth it. Clear channel is a huge culpret-they put everything on a hard drive, compressed with heavy duty, low so... | |
How do I easily add surround to my 2 channel setup I'm not impressed with the Marantz chips. You can hear a difference between them and denon.....Also, you mentioned "wireless". Is your music compressed? If so, no matter how good of a system you get, it won't match the quality of redbook cd's and ... |