
Responses from elevick

If it's snowing, I'm going
My gift this year is a friend who just bought a home in Jackson. TIME TO FREELOAD! 
Used pre amp advice
I love my Classe 30 with phono. B&K's are nice also. 
Drying sand in the oven- anyone try it?
The shot melted! 
What is your comfort level?
You are way under budget on cabling. I was alway told to spread the $$$ equally (all cabling together should equal a component)? 
I fell victim to a scam
STOP PAYMENT-I agree with bigkidz. Your bank will do whatever you like....I know one "scammer" who burned big by a guy who scammed him by stopping payment on a money order!Also, there are escrow services IESCROW.com and more.I personally, will che... 
Help, Turntable Belt.... Weird
needledoctor.com or ewsaunders.com I've bought from both. 
I fell victim to a scam
Paypal got me a full refund on the unit and shipping from a bogus ebay sellor (not audio gear). They work if you follow the system to a "T". 
HT receiver that can reproduce 2 ch across spkrs
Most pre/pro's and receivers have a 5 channel stereo mode, some even have 5 channel mono? Try denon, marantz, integra, anthem, b&k... 
How do I easily add surround to my 2 channel setup
I would consider a Denon receiver. You can assign 2 channels to run the speakers in the bedroom?Also, you could use either pre-amp outs or the multi-room output to power the amp for your totems. For best sound, you really need tonally matched spea... 
Headphone connect direct to Amp
There are adaptors by Russound, Antique Sound Labs and others that will allow you to do this with headphones for about $100. This way, you can use any headphones.The other option, if your pre-amp has enough output voltage, is to buy coax to 1/4" o... 
Very BIG Room? Music and Home Theatre Challenge
Well, I did get rid of my Klipsch Heresey's to get Cornwalls. However, I got rid of the Cornwalls to buy Coincident Conquests. These are enough for a huge room but find some Victorys or even milleniums and you will be set. Coincident are almost as... 
Very BIG Room? Music and Home Theatre Challenge
Ok, no horns....Speakerlabs can put out loads of bass and can be much less directional.Otherwise, I like B&W Nautilus series, Coincident and maybe wilsons for this large room. 
Very BIG Room? Music and Home Theatre Challenge
I agree that horns are not many "people's cup of tea". However, I suggested them for 2 reasons: efficiency and tons of tight solid bass. They will save a lot of money on amps and subs.I feel very strongly against Maggies in most applications due t... 
Very BIG Room? Music and Home Theatre Challenge
Klipschorns all around. It will save them a bundle of cash on extra subs and bigger amps too......since the speakers are so efficient and put out gobs of tight bass. 
Newbie, but learning- my vintage system
If wattage doesn't matter, I'll bet that the sansui with some nice tubes will give the mac's a run for the money? Just curious what you think?