Responses from elevick
Some guidance please? 1-your amp will make a world of difference2-don't skimp on the sub. A good sub will handle the bass tracks plus the low bass for all 5/7 speakers. 3-Decide on where you need the speakers-wall mount, stand mount, bookshelf, near walls, (most sound ... | |
Building a Music server After having played with external processors, I would suggest that you get an internal card with toslink or coax digital outputs and run that into a nice audiophile quality DAC. The sound out of my m-audio can't even get close to the sound out of ... | |
When to replace drivers? Most speakers take hundreds of hours to break-in.If they sound good, keep 'em.If the surrounds or cones are bad, get them fixed. Never replace a driver in one speaker without doing it in pairs if your budget allows. | |
Lack of vinyl bass and midrange I second Ozzy62. Cartridges will dry out. I'll bet that even a $40 ortofon will sound amazingly better. Your table should be able to "sing" compared to most cd's. | |
CD Burning Software redux Give me your address. I'll send you a free copy of either 5.5 or better. I keep getting upgrades at work.emfoods@yahoo.com | |
I want to change from 2 channel to HT but what.... What about Anthem? You should be able to get a used AVM-20 and an amp for $3000. | |
Are most DAC's compatible w computers? I just tried using my pc with an external d/a. For the cost of a d/a along with the crummy quality of the pc, you are much better off just buying a decent cd player.To get good sound out of a pc will cost a bundle. You need quality software for bu... | |
Textured Black Paint: How do I do it? The rustoleum hammered finish paints are awesome!. Not only do they look good, they cover blemishes on old gear. | |
What is the best DAC to buy used in the $500 range First, decide on what features you need, volume, toslink, coax, multiple inputs, hdcd or....Secondly, do you want tubes or solid state?Third, do you like warmer sound, analytical or ???Fourth, do you need 24/96 or will a great 20 bit unit work?Fin... | |
Breaking in a new amp Driver, thanks for the complement. Paraguayan Harp & Indian Flute! Should be interesting. I wouldn't have a clue where to find that in Pittsburgh. I've been disenchanted with cd's lately since I put a new Golring on my Sota table. The depth an... | |
mother passed away - pro recording help needed No to DAT. They are great for music but wayyy too expensive for voice. I'd give 2 suggestions: the cheapest way is a portable tape recorder from radio shack that uses regular cassetts. Mini tapes are extremely expensive and too short on time. The ... | |
Breaking in a new amp Driver, if I ran my amps at max continuous output, my wife would leave me and the neighbors would call the cops. I have 100 watt tube mono's running through coincident speakers. This will get me about 112db with peaks over 115db! | |
Breaking in a new amp Honestly, does anyone ever run an amp at max volume? It can't be good for an amp to run beyond its limits as Driver suggested. Most amps acheive max volume before the volume control reaches its limit. If it won't ever be run that hard in normal us... | |
new at this...which amp? Your amp should have more than enough power. You should really try to borrow gear and swap only 1 piece at a time until you find the culpret. If everything is sounding harsh when played loudly, you can eliminate the cd & cable (compressed musi... | |
Magnepan evaluation With maggies, the more power the better. I've found that a lack of power usually can mean a lack of bass.Personally, I would like the classe for the power as well as the "softer" top end. The maggies can be bright with the wrong amp due to the rib... |