
Responses from elevick

Any tips for DCM TimeFrame speakers?
Send me your fax or address. I'll send you a copy of the manual. What I have is only like 2 pages. These are neat speakers and envelope you in sound. My only beef with them is the limited range. They work best with a sub and supertweeters......Eme... 
pre amp basics
1-the creek is a warm sound if anything. If it sounds harsh in the highs, you should explore other speakers.2-I doubt the creek has enough power to drive the DCM's nicely.3-different pre-amps will sound differently. Gain usually is not a factor un... 
No headphone output....options???
The channel islands box will work fine. You end up having an EL34 based headphone amp. If you want to play with one, I have the same thing by another company that I'd sell wayyyyy cheaper than $150. They work great. Has volume and speaker on/off. ... 
why doesnt "cd direct" sound better ??
"direct" sounds way better on my anthem. It gets rid of any processing for HT that is involved and acts as a pure pre-amp from my denon dvd. Much cleaner and better for 2 channel, kind of lame for theater though. 
Janis Woofer substitute
I had the same. The Janis is great for music and can't really be beat. However, for home theater, it is too weak. I ended up with a 15" 400 watt velodyne and don't miss the janis at all. Resale price on the Janis gear is the hardest pill to swallow. 
recomending power to speakers
If the d-60 is tubed, then going to 4 ohms won't increase the power. You just have to switch to the 4 ohm taps.Thiels, even though they are great, are not tube friendly and love lots of power. I wouldn't go with less than 100wpc. Keep in mind that... 
Vintage tube amp tube recommendations please.
For great reading, go to www.sonicfrontiers.com They have some great articles on tubes.By the way, for newer tubes, I like golden dragons and some svetlana's. I haven't had the pleasure of trying the reissue of mullards yet. 
Vintage tube amp tube recommendations please.
Your original fishers are probably either mullard or telefunkens. Look to see if they are made in England or if they have <> on the bottom for telefunken (it will be on the base of the tube inside the pins.$10 won't get you much for tubes. I... 
What's the best s.s. integrated for Khorns?
104db @ 1watt107db @ 2 watts110db @ 4 watts113db @ 8 watts116db @ 16 watts119db @ 32 watts122db @ 64 watts and you start losing your hearing!Follow the pattern.......Every 10db doubles the perceived sound pressure/volume.I spent many years with He... 
Yamaha B-4 ? Power Amp - Good for Maggie 1.6s?
Leave the Yamaha in your closet. It may sound louder but at what cost to your ears? If the Arcam doesn't do it, bi-amping will do wonders with a better amp or you can always use a nice sub/crossover with them. Leave the Yamaha in your closet. 
What can I do to upgrade
Line Conditioner 
Help Surround decoding formats.
Listen to customht-PRO LOGIC II is by far the most important. 
Magnepan positioning
2 other points not mentioned:1-if you build brackets, it will be quite hard to adjust them and maggies are hard to position for a sweet spot to begin with.2-Maggies love power. Very few receivers can put out enough wattage to make maggies "sing". ... 
What is the quietest preamp you've used?
Creek OBH-12Creek guarantees it to not affect the music one bit.Totally passive unit. 
French Female Vocalist Jazz Blues Suggestions ???
French Canadian? Holly Cole