
Discussions erik_squires has started

The order of getting more/better bass221126
The midi range, not the tweeter, is the most important driver in a speaker.641260
Bending wave, low order crossovers and tradeoffs150912
How the Dr. Who Theme Song Came to life...8921
Everything a crossover has to do ...259730
Extremely high quality, DSP, active/passive speaker kit24100
Mattresses, not stereos is where the money is718779
The Totalitarianism of the Rational Audiphile337850
Hotel Room Confessions - Best Sound at a Show? 277017
Please Make Audiogon Cool 9478128
Dreaming of a DIY 8W Class A amp designed by Nelson Pass?2119194
Amps with meters ...1289983
I loved the AR 93 - What was wrong with me? 47875
Next Gen Speaker Material - Textreme16643
The one tweak most Focals need ...331823