Responses from ghdprentice
Need your input Drums - right rear deep into sound stage nearly behind the right speaker Piano left ... 11 o’clock deep into the soundstage. Bass - opposite the Piano on the right in a similar position... inside (more central than the drums). All instruments d... | |
Is it easier to sell mono blocks or stereo amp on the used market? My mistake... I intended to say that stereo amps have to be easier to sell... not the other way around. | |
Streamer + DAC help: Bluesound vs Eversolo (vs Others) OP Sorry you have had such and ordeal. But you should be sending it back. There is really no excuse for that. I have two Aurender and used to own a Aurlic Aries G2 and tested a couple other high end streamers. Plop them down, plug them in and put... | |
Is it easier to sell mono blocks or stereo amp on the used market? If you are primarily concerned with sound quality, then monoblocks would be the choice. For me, that would be the only concern. But, I can't imagine that stereo amps are easier to sell. | |
Final Analog Upgrades I would look into used: Conrad Johnson Audio Research VAC Zesto I have upgraded my phono stages since the late 1970’s. Each time I found the phonostage holding back the sound of my tt / cartridge (Yes, this is dependent on exactly what tt / c... | |
Speaker Jumper/Link Cables - Best Ones? Nordost Valhalla, Tara Labs Omega Evolution OR.. I guess I would have to recommend Cardas from your description. I’d make sure you can try before you buy. If I were you I would consider using that kind of money to upgrade the speakers. | |
Linn LP12 turntable @lewm You are correct. I was conflating two thoughts. One that the suspension is made to dampen smaller higher frequency vibrations and my experience that rapping on the top with unbelievable force would not result in a skip (or sound) but walki... | |
Warm, flexible, cheap-ish cables? Definitely look at Cardas... through the Cable Company. They have new and used. The lower on price the warmer... they are assuming lower cost components will be used with lower levels of their products and therefore be cooler more analytical sound... | |
Linn LP12 turntable Turntable suspensions are not designed to intercept foot falls, they are designed to isolate from the motor and higher frequency vibration. I used to have a AR which I literally could bang on the cover while playing and the tt would play on withou... | |
Surge protectors--how many $ make sense? Given the quality of the rest of your system, I would recommend as high a level as possible. Shunyata good choice. Definitely audition. But a good power conditioner will improve the sound yof all your components other than the amp (directly into o... | |
Pass....Accuphase....or...... Pass XA-25. | |
XLR cable placement I'd start with DAC to Preamp. Then move. While it is logical that the furthest up the chain will have the greatest impact, components are different and react differently.... so, it still might make a bigger difference elsewhere. But I'd start with... | |
Adding a tube amp is a good idea? I have been into high end audio for fifty year and over that time almost always had a Pass designed amp. Most recently the x350. I had tubes in my CD player, preamp, and phono stage. But I hesitated to get an amp with tubes. I liked the idea of ab... | |
Audiophiles and De-cluttering -- your journey toward both psychic and sonic improvement I retired about five years ago and immediately began simplification and decluttering. I have gone through and gotten rid of an old turntable, bass equalizer, receiver, speaker cables, interconnects. Took boxes and boxes of excess clothing, kitche... | |
Changing the 6550 power tube in a Audio Research Ref 6SE Preamp This is the preamp I have. While I have done tube rolling with other brands of equipment, I do not do it with Audio Research. Their tube choice is very specific and designed to get a very specific sound. That is the sound I want and is compatible... |