
Responses from herman

"Non Inductive" resistors.
El, are you trolling the forum again?? 
"Non Inductive" resistors.
I would think the inductance in the wiring and voice coils would be far greater than the inductance in a single resistor. If you wanted to be sure you could get some 8 ohm non-inductive power resistors at Radio Shack for $2.29 each and have your t... 
Balanced Phono Connections
To be balanced you would hook it up like you described.Cartridge + output to the non-inverted pin, the +.Cartridge - output to the inverted, the -.You might not have to use the ground pin, but if you do it should usually be hooked to the shielding... 
Review: Yamaha S1500 universal disc player CD Player
You do not have a unit with glitches, you have a defective player. Considering the huge number of units a company the size of Yamaha produces, it doesn't suprise me that a few fail. What matters is how they and your dealer respond to your problem.... 
Conrad Johnson PV10AL Tube & Polarity Questions?
I would email CJ and ask them and see if they can send you a manual. They have always been extremely helpful when I had dealings with them. A first class outfit when it comes to customer support. 
How do I wire my Mesa Boogie Bass Cabinet?
Four 32 ohms speakes in Parallel = 8 ohms. All the + terminals of the speakers are connected together and all of the - terminals are connected together.To get four 8 ohms together to equal 8 ohms you need to put 2 in series to make 16 ohms. Then t... 
MM phono stage
Look at the Camelot, superb for it's price. 
What's Wrong With My Cartridge/Setup?
I would suspect, as you seem to, that the difference in resistance that you measure when on versus off has to do with some voltage being fed back through the input to the meter rather than the input impedance dropping. Switch your meter to volts a... 
What's Wrong With My Cartridge/Setup?
The LP should sound as good or better than the CD. With the stylus in the groove check to make sure the botttom of the cartridge looks to be close to parallel with record from the side and isn't tilted when looking from the front. If the tracking ... 
Jazz Recs for Classical Music Fan - Challenging
The Smithsonian put out a 5 CD, 6 hour set called "The Smithsonian Collection of Jazz" that covers 50 years or so of jazz, pretty much everything from Jelly Roll Morton through Ornette Coleman. Try that and see if there is anything you like. If no... 
SETs vs. Push/Pull
You might check out the VAC amps that use 300B tubes push-pull. Nothing but an SET is going to sound like an SET, but the VAC amps sound pretty darn good. 
Jazz Recs for Classical Music Fan - Challenging
I second the Bill Evans. No pretty album covers with him on them.Lee Konitz & the Axis String Quartet "Play French Impressionist Music from the 20th Century" Palmetto PM-2064, a gap bridger for you. A veteran saxophonist with help from some cl... 
Riddle me this: how is carbon a conductor?
I just re-read my last post and I apologize because it looks like a personal attack on Sean. Maybe it is. I don't think that has any place here so I must apologize.I'm afraid I've lost my patience with those who take dogmatic positions based on an... 
Riddle me this: how is carbon a conductor?
Sean, lighten up :>) You sometimes seem to grab a mantra, such as lower resistance is better, and defend it to the death without even considering another perspective.The issue is much more complex than how much resistance a cable has. That is b... 
Riddle me this: how is carbon a conductor?
mPrime, your math is flawed to say that you get 20dB or 30dB less signal passed through a carbon conductor. The ratio of carbon's conductivity to that of copper is not the proper way to look at it. What we are concerned with is the amount of volta...