
Responses from hiendmmoe

Can’t buy output tubes anywhere except from manufacturers at high prices.
I took a look at VIVA tubes and it seems they are fully stocked. I guess I have been looking for tube in all the wrong places! 😂   
Can’t buy output tubes anywhere except from manufacturers at high prices.
Especially KT types and 6550s. Their prices if you can find them have skyrocketed.     
Can’t buy output tubes anywhere except from manufacturers at high prices.
I was referring to Kt types and EL34.   
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
Another NA sayer that can’t hear the difference. Why do such people even bother with this hobby? So much of this hobby is how we appreciate the finest in audio reproduction and understand each component plays a critical role in that aspect.       ... 
What can beat Wilson XVX for less money?
😂 It’s comical to read all the haters responses to Wilson’s speakers. For everyone one of you there’s probably 2x as many lovers of this iconic American brand. Are Wilson’s expensive? Yes, but to those who buy them there’s a value that other speak... 
ARC D400 vs D400 MkII
Just a heads up. Audio Research has discontinued support and repair for all D series solid state amplifiers. Can’t get parts to fix them.  
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
Only true if you can’t hear a difference and watch CNN fake new daily.  
Nordost Frey2 vs Tyr2
If you have the money the TYR2. Once you you past Nordost entry level cables the technology is the same in every cable. The only difference is quantity of conductors which increases with price.  
The best speaker cables you’ve had
The best cable I have ever owned was the one that made me stop thinking about getting another one.  
First impressions of the Audio Desk Record Cleaner
Unfortunately buying this record cleaning machine comes with a longevity life span of 300-1000 records. There’s an almost certainty that after that it will fail on you. Everyone that I know who has bought one has had it fail on them after using it... 
Made the move: Focal Maestro 3 to Focal Maestro EVO
I would choose the EVOLUTION series over the previous EM. What they have done with the EVOs is significant. Much lower less fatiguing sound. The EM upper frequencies could bite you in the long run if not tamed with the right equipment.  
Made the move: Focal Maestro 3 to Focal Maestro EVO
I will not discuss how much it cost to upgrade but it was considerable more. What I will say, it was worth it. With the new technologies introduced in the EVO series the noise floor is beyond anything I have heard before. Much easier to drive. The... 
Which ARC ref linestage to try: Ref3, Ref5, Ref5SE? HATE forward sounding systems
Audio Research is probably more forward than what you want. Look at your speakers and build around them. Off set and blend components that complement each other. Stay away from one thing one brand or component does well with the other components. ... 
What are some good Amplifier choices for Martin logan ESL 15A?
Look for tubes. They work the best with electrostatics.  
Wilson Audio Duette Series 3
Wilson Sabrina x would be their replacement