
Responses from hiendmmoe

Phono stage hum at midpoint on volume control.
It’s a Clearaudio tracer tonearm.     
Help with Packing and boxing up SME 15 turntable.
Thanks for all the help. I did get information from SME on how to repackage the Turntable.  
Help with Packing and boxing up SME 15 turntable.
Thanks for all the help. I did get information from SME on how to repackage the Turntable.  
When someone tells you it's a $40,000 amp, does it sound better?
Only your ears will be able answer that question. Stop listening to others and start listening to yourself. Should a 40k amp sound better than a 20k one: it should, but it’s you that must make that determination not the supposedly know it alls tha... 
Wilson tiny tots
Seems like you over spent on speakers and didn’t consider what other components you’ll need to complement the Wilsons. Even though they are Wilson’s smallest and least expensive speaker, they need to be used with something of quality to keep them ... 
Interconnects - better before preamp or after preamp?
First is always the best. If it’s not preserved upstream it’s gone.  
Why aren’t there many used cables on the market?
I’m sure it depends on what brand and level you looking for. Usually when we are searching for a particular thing we don’t see it until we don’t want it anymore.   
Where did you buy your first audio gear?
Team electronics in Dinkytown USA  
Best High Current amplifiers stable into low impedances
I have often thought Pass Labs XA series would be a great amp to drive a 2 Ohm load, but they don’t publish any specs into a 2 Ohm load. I was ready to jump on a pr of XA 160.8 but was unsure they would drive my Focal Maestro speakers. The Focal’s... 
Magico M9 The new 'norm' in speakers
The NA sayers will always follow their ideology that is based two things: they either don’t have the ability to hear the difference between a $1000. vs $750,000. speaker or they know they never will be able to afford it so to ease their pain they ... 
How about Mac and Accuphase
Brands like Accuphase and others imported into the states are over priced due to their markup by distributors. Luxman on the other hand established headquarters (Luxman North America) here in the states and cut out the middle man. This allowed the... 
Luxman M 10x
Just received mine a few weeks ago. I owned the M900u, Rowland 625s2, and Mcintosh MC611 amplifiers all in the past 2 years. The M-10x is by far the best amp  I’ve owned and significantly better than any of the previous amplifiers I have mentioned... 
Is Mark Levinson still considered up there with the best of the best?
I should have did my homework a little better before I started this thread. John Curl was the chief designer behind Mark Levinson products when they were in their infancy and Mark Levinson was the man who promoted the product under his name?   
Magnepan 20.7i Amplifier Pairing
Audioresearch all the way. Match made in heaven.  
Audio Research Ref 75 SE: Replace 20A IEC inlet with 15A
Just buy a 15amp to 20amp adapter. Your playing a design feature that is part of the amplifier’s power supply requirements. Foolish!