
Responses from hk_fan

Esoteric Support - nonexistent???
Are you in the US? Did you try the Esoteric USA site? There is a support phone number listed there not sure if its the same number you tried. Good luck!, I am in the US and tried both the phone numbers and email addr... 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
The D'Agostino has more meat on the bones.  I prefer that to the Ayre which is still very good but a little too polite for my tastes.Both are excellent. 
Mark Levinson 334 Question
They all fail eventually.  It's not a SN issue, it's the circuit design of the 3xx amplifiers that are very hard on the caps.  
Linn amplifiers in Activ mode !!
Yes it would work. 
Ayre owners and preamp options: seeking advice
I've never been a fan of modded electronics.  You will lose your a$$ on resale and more than likely be stuck with something that doesn't sound any better than what you started with.Spend the money or stay with what you have until you can afford a ... 
Parasound A21 In Mono vs. Parasound JC1's
The JC1's are better by a significant margin.. I have tried the bridged A21's and the JC1's trounced them which is why I own them.  :) 
Amps/Preamps for Rockport Aviors
Ayre KX-R/MX-R's work extremely well with Rockports. 
Audioquest or Transparent?
I've listened to both extensively, and own AQ.  Transparent is a lot of hype and meddling with signals IMO. 
Specific Pre-Amp advice
Cary SLP-98 comes to mind. 
Amplifiers and Dynaudio C2 signatures
Add the Parasound JC1 monos to your list.  It goes toe-to-toe with every amp you listed.I'd scratch any Mac and the ML 432. 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
The description by Khrys is pretty much dead on to what I think.  The Ayre is good, but I prefer the D'Agostino by a large margin.  I prefer a little more flesh on the bone than the Ayre has.  The pride of ownership with Dan's products is off the ... 
What ever happened to Krell ?
I respectfully disagree on including Mark Levinson.  Their products continue to be very much in the same vein as the originals in terms of performance, aesthetics and desirability.Personally, I can't say the same for the new Cary or Krell products. 
What ever happened to Krell ?
Dennis was the designer of what used to be called the "classic" line of products.  These are the ones that won all the accolades, and put Cary on the map.Once he left, I have yet to hear a Cary product that I would consider especially noteworthy. ... 
What ever happened to Krell ?
Completely agree with the following:--Dan D'Agostino WAS Krell. Without D'Agostino, Krell will never be what it once was.--I personally will never purchase a Krell product after what the current ownership did to Dan. 
How many CaryAudio techs does it take to replace a lightbulb in a CAD-211FE?
It's a shame what Cary has turned into since Dennis left.  He built high end reference level gear.  Now, it's a Chinese manufacturing clearing house chasing every trend under the sun.Really sad to see.