
Responses from jafox

Aesthetix IO mark 2-which upgrade first?
Rather than pay to have your unit upgraded to a Signature or buy a second P.S., I would consider selling your unit and buying a Signature with or w/o the 2nd P.S. on the used market. I saw an Io Signature with 2 P.S.'s (no volume controls) listed ... 
How do I go backwards?
Oh my am I glad I clicked on this thread. JD, I wish you had at least gotten with me as we are closeby. I already had half a system for you in my mind by the time I got to Lugnut's response. And from what he can ship to you and what I can give to ... 
New H20 Signature S250
A few comments and clarifications to answer some comments on my previous posting here:Muralman1: As a long time owner of Magnepan 3.3 and then 3.5 speakers, as much as I loved them, they were far more the challenging speaker to play their magic th... 
New H20 Signature S250
With the interest of a local audiophile who had an H20 (non-sig stereo) model on loan, I had the opportunity to audition this in my home system. As a Sound-Lab A1 owner with CAT JL-3 Signature amps and a 10-year old Counterpoint NPS400 hybrid amp,... 
Aesthetix Io 2 vs. Lamm lp 2
Mike's description above is all the more reason why I want so much to hear the Lamm LP2 and the Io Sig compared to my older Io std model. And I only have one P.S.As Mike describes the differences between the Io's and the Lamm, I can fully understa... 
The most placement forgiving planar speaker?
Audiokinesis - Great description. Much of my experience with the A1s make a lot of sense after reading your text.Mikesinger - My experience with the Sound-Lab A1 is that they are not so sensitive to exact placement vs. the Magnepans that did requi... 
The most placement forgiving planar speaker?
Amazing how Albert's explanation perfectly describes my now 6-month experience with the same-sized A1's. In my room, there is a little bass hump if they are too close to the back wall. Closeness to side walls does not seem to be much of a factor. ... 
Tubes and heat...
Fatparrot: It's great to get a Tucson report as I lived there during the 80s and loved it. Now up here in MN the tube gear is even more beneficial as space heaters. But it does not take long to heat the basement to the point that I need to leave m... 
correct way to turn off tube preamp
I got in the habit years ago of turning the level control all the way down, then I power down the amp(s), wait 10-15 seconds before I power down the preamp, then power down the sources. This is for tubed gear. For solid state gear, I leave it powe... 
Sonics of Soundlabs
Chris, Audiokinesis brings up a very important issue, i.e., the bias pots on the backplates. I got careless several weeks ago and tweaked one of these pots too much and messed up the level balance between the two speakers. A suggested approach wou... 
Which of the following preamps?
Andy,Do you need a line stage only unit or also one with a phono stage. If you need the phono, the SP9 could be a good starting point. But something like the LS7 with a more warm and rich tonality might be preferable. The biggest problem with the ... 
Sonics of Soundlabs
Hello Chris,I believe we had an email exchange or two on amps and Maggies the last few months. As a Magnepan series 3.3/3.5 owner for 5 years and now running an older pair of Sound-Lab A1's, perhaps I can provide some information here as well.I ru... 
Review: Walker Audio Proscenium Gold Signature Turntable
Plato: If you read through many of Rushton's posts, you will learn the configuration of his system: the phono stage, the amps, the speakers, etc. He has his own reasons for not posting his system in one place which he recently explained to another... 
Audio Research LS-15 Infincaps
Rather than pay the ridiculous upgrades through ARC, or even consider the lateral move to the LS16, check out the awesome value on this unit:http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?preatube&1122492826The LS2, LS15, LS16, LS22, in any kind of up... 
Manley Neo-Classic500 vs VTL MB450
Here's the site to the amp in question:http://www.manleylabs.com/containerpages/500_Y2K.html