Responses from jafox
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7 Brian: That is an amzing idea you are thinking as I was thinking exactly the same thing. Wow, weird!Bob: I need to go to Chicago to drop off a turntable to be repaired by Brian's friend and I figured that since I will be there, I might as well tak... | |
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7 Schorly: I use a 25' MIT 350 EVO cable from an Aesthetix Callisto to the CAT amps and this too works very well. For awhile I used a 14' NBS Statement with an XLR-to-RCA adaptor into the CAT but of course only one of the phases of the Callisto's ba... | |
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7 Raquel: I don't think it was ever Mr Stevens' intention to sell $50k amplifiers for the long haul. Nobody survives on this very long. He simply needed to recover the R&D costs for the all-out assault to develop the finest output transformers t... | |
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7 As an owner of the JL-3 Signature amps for almost 6 months I am still so very impressed with this product. I have not been able to find anything on a JL-3 non-signature model so perhaps this was a first generation of a JL-2 mono design. With the J... | |
How do I go backwards? Oh gosh, pictures or not, no lipstick please! And even though it is hotter and more humid lately, cool it on the perfume too. | |
VAC PHI 2.0 or CTC Blowtorch or... Exlibris: 1 & 2: I fully can relate to.3: When I heard the CAT JL-2 vs. Atma-Sphere MA1's driving the U1's, the MA1's had more bass presence than the JL-2. A bass adjustment on the U1's back panel alleviated this such that there was no longer ... | |
How do I go backwards? JD, JD, JD, ......, JD, You just had to play some more and now look at what you did! 8-) I think if any of us went back to a system we had 3 or 4 upgrades ago, we too would be experiencing much the same as you. For me, such changes would be easier... | |
VAC PHI 2.0 or CTC Blowtorch or... Exlibris: You have what many people consider to be the most resolving speakers and so incredibly dynamic as well. If the JL-3's are out of your price range, you should at least consider the JL-2. And if you wanted to biamp your speakers at a later... | |
How many "tube" watts do Maggie 3.5's or 6's need? With Maggie 3.5's, I had very good results at medium output levels with an ARC VT130 which was 110w....midrange bloom was spectacular and when the amp clipped, it was soft. A change to a 400w Counterpoint hybrid amp helped some in loudness and a g... | |
How do I go backwards? Progress indeed. I was so happy to work with JD to try a number of options that would result in minimal impact on the incredible musicality of his system. I think the NBS Statement gave up just a wee bit of top-end extension compared to the Nordos... | |
What's Your Experience with Digital Switching Amp? Mr_Bill: Your response, "Maybe some perceive added depth/distance and lower noise floor as a midrange suckout?", was not at all what I addressed here. I did not imply such a correlation. If the guitar player and the piano are so very far back from... | |
Is a tube preamp a good idea? Hello,I am a huge proponent of a tube line stage to get the harmonic richness, volume of space, decays, etc., from the music of top-flight LP and CD sources. For broadcast music, the tuner may not have the ability to push this out to make it worth... | |
What's Your Experience with Digital Switching Amp? The recurring issue of "Ditch the MIT" in these ICE amps threads without clarifications as to why this should be done gets kinda old. In a response to a similar thread last week, I put a lot of effort to explain some problems I had with an MIT 350... | |
Tube Amp For Mid/Hi ARC VT130. This was absolute magic with my Maggie 3.5 ..... especially with KT88 tubes. And with it only having to drive the mids/highs, it will not at all be strained as it was when I ran it full range. I have seen these go in the $1500-1700 rang... | |
Review: Walker Audio Proscenium Gold Signature Turntable Sirspeedy, interesting question. All along I have wondered if Albert was really J. Gordon Holt! Remember back in the late 80s when JGH just loved the Sound-Labs and then a couple years later, the Versa Dynamics TT? Hmmmmmm, sure sounds fishy to me... |