
Responses from jafox

Looking for phono stage recommendations
Sirspeedy: Oh yes, having a room with an ambient temp much cooler than the rest of the house is a great benefit. But it's only a matter of time (3-4) hours until the amps take over the room. I then need to leave my basement to cool off when most p... 
Which Mono block amps for ML Summit Speakers?
Electrostaticman: When it comes to purchasing an amplifier, it has everything to do with the speaker being driven. The amp/speaker link requires careful match much like the tonearm/cartridge.Do a search for threads that cover the topic of amplifie... 
Magnepan 2.7QR owners...please.
Mab: There are a lot of DIY Maggie owners out there who have bypassed fuses and attentuator connections, replaced internal crossover components, rebuilt external crossover boxes, etc. I am sure that with a little effort, anyone could configure the... 
Looking for phono stage recommendations
Sirspeedy - your comments on the Aesthetix gear raising the room temp gave me an incentive to do an experiment today. Unlike many other Audiogon members, I do NOT keep my tube gear on 24/7.The system is in a basement room, 13x18x7.5, fully closed ... 
Magnepan 2.7QR owners...please.
Vvrinc: Radio Shack sells 1-ohm 10w resistors. They are a dollar or so each. What I suggest you do is buy 4 of these. This would allow you to use 2 per side to try out 0.5, 1 and 2 ohms to find a value that gets the level to your liking. Once you ... 
Magnepan 2.7QR owners...please.
I had the 3.3 and then the 3.5. These too had tweeter attentuators. This design allows for component/room matching that is more cost affective and "pure" than a continuous level control that exists on many other models. The speakers come with meta... 
Which Mono block amps for ML Summit Speakers?
Is there any chance to get a pair of mono blocks to put behind the MLs that could not be seen? If this is the case, I think you'd be ok to run 50' interconnect like the MIT 350 series. I gotta think something like the Wolcott monos would fit perfe... 
Looking for phono stage recommendations
What did you like about the Pass...and what was it lacking that you would like to get with a different product? How much gain do you anticipate you will need? Would you like a unit with balanced ins/outs?There seems to be much praise over the new ... 
Tube Amps: CAT JL3's vs ARC Ref 300's
Hello,As a current owner of the JL-3's and a past owner of ARC Classic60, Classic150 and VT130, I can provide some insight here. The VT130 stereo amp and the VT150 mono amps were the pre-cursor to the ARC "reference" amps. Knowing what speakers yo... 
does more power=better quality ?
I too have followed this thread and was interested to read an engineering/scientific point of view as to why a higher powered amp has the potential to be more refined when it has more amplifying devices. And I feel Mr. Greenman made a fair and hon... 
Which Mono block amps for ML Summit Speakers?
I'd be hesitant with the ARC CL150 mono amps. I had these for over a year and their 150w rating was quite wimpy to drive Magnepan Series 3.x speakers. The 110wpc VT130 stereo amp that I had before controlled the Maggies quite well without shutting... 
What's The Best Blooming Tube Amp?
The ARC Classic series as the best bloomer? NOT EVEN CLOSE!I had the CL60 for a year and then changed to the VT130 which tore up the CL60 in midrange bloom.....the CL60 was not even close. And then when I "needed" more power for Magnepan 3.3 speak... 
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7
Schorly: Rcprince raises a important issue on gains. Another product to consider is the Aesthetix Io. The Io has capability up to 80db gain. The non-signature model comes up now and then on the used mkt for much less than the LP2 deluxe. The Io ha... 
Most transparent, detailed Audio Research Preamp
There has been so much discussion on ARC preamps, the SP series, the early hybrid LS series, a return to an all tube line stage, the LS5, and then back to hybrid designs again. Do a search in the archives here for a lot of valuable information. On... 
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7
Well in all fairness to Bob, I can relate to the hassle of having to haul these beasts around. And with this taking up most of 2 days with travel and several hours of listening, that's tough for anyone to do these days. It's easier for me as I alr...