
Responses from jafox

Can you ever go back and be happy?
Aroma:1) You wrote it yourself:"Albert, if my speculations regarding what happened with Magnepan or the pricing of the Dali's is incorrect, I would appreciate if you would share why you chose one speaker over the other." Yes, you did state that yo... 
Can you ever go back and be happy?
Aroma: Since I suggested people look into Albert's writings here to learn about his progress of the Dali vs. his long time Soundlabs, I feel obligated to respond to many of your points:1) The issue of why Albert changed from the Soundlabs: Rather ... 
Can you ever go back and be happy?
Brian: Oh yes I would love to come back there and to hear that setup. And I will bring the Versa TT and box of parts to get that up and running too. But I'd like to wait until I decide on the final outcome of the Aesthetix Io/Callisto vs. the Aria... 
Can you ever go back and be happy?
Wow, look at that array of Soundlabs. Whew, imagine the low-end extension and dynamics. Gorgeous. I'll take a set in maple. 
Can you ever go back and be happy?
Hello,As a previous owner of Magnepan 3.3 and 3.5 for 6 years, and now owning Soundlab A1's for 4 months, I can tell you that all planars speakers are not at all alike. Ribbon-based systems such as Magnepans and Apogee are very different altogethe... 
Nagra VPA or ARC VTM200
Hello,I too had a pair of ARC Classic 150s for a short period. I have since learned that the 150w of the CL150s is not at all the same as the 150w on my CAT JL-3 Signature amps. Whereas the CL150s peaked out easily with the Magnepan 3.5s, the JL-3... 
Tube rolling experience in Aesthetix Callisto Sig
Hi Ken, I was thinking exactly of these tubes to try in my DAC as it takes a pair of 5751 and also a pair of 7044. I have so much harmonic richness from the DAC but would like a more low end extension and maybe even a little more top-end presence.... 
Tube rolling experience in Aesthetix Callisto Sig
Artg: Your concerns on "legitimate" tubes has much merit. It would be easy for many people here to misrepresent the vintage or manufacturer of a tube. But this is the case for all such audio purchases here.I have had much success with 3 sellers of... 
Review: Aesthetix Callisto Signature Tube preamp
I did not mean to make JD cringe here. I do recall him telling me he was not at all impressed with the BAT 50SE. If it is anything like the 30SE, I understand why this is. But the 31SE has a very different sonic signature altogether. I heard the 3... 
Review: Aesthetix Callisto Signature Tube preamp
Guidocorona: Yes absolutely, keep this model as a serious contender. But just be prepared for the Callisto and Io units to take up a lot more space than your average preamp.There are some incredible preamps out there but there are several that I h... 
Bose 901
Dazzdax - I think your friend would be more accurately defined as a Boseaphile. 
Review: Aesthetix Callisto Signature Tube preamp
JD is quite a detailed writer. I had to smile and laugh and smile more as I could see he was very alert to my reactions (the good and not so good) of his system. Not only does he take the blue ribbon for noticing detail in his and my system far mo... 
What is a 'fast' amp?
I can relate to Teajay's definition. For me speed implies how well the amp can portray the leading edge of a note, i.e., the attack. And how much it handles the stacatto qualities of intricate piano and guitar playing. I have yet to hear a tube am... 
What is a 'fast' amp?
Wow, good description, Elizabeth. 
Calling all Aesthetix Callisto / Io Owners
A most valuable post indeed. Very much appreciated, Albert. I will try some of the recommended tubes to learn if they make as huge a difference in the Callisto as did so many tube changes in the Io. Fun Fun.