Responses from jdub39
I have a AC Regenerator. Get dedicated line too? Sure the Powercord from the wall makes a difference be it small or huge, it makes a difference! Age old rule Ladies and Gentlemen " Good sound in Good sound out" and yes that applies to powercords as well. | |
Importance of Power cords feeding Conditioners To avoid this of which you speak, I choose to use a PsAudio Soloist Premier se in-wall conditioner on a 10awg, 20 amp line to feed my Halo A21 alone! (Although the Soloist can be used before a conditioner) I run a 8awg Perfectwave AC12 to the amp.... | |
Importance of Power cords feeding Conditioners Hmm, this is all very interesting, I have to give the source thing a try as it does seem in theory to make more sense. I currently have my best on my amp (8awg) and conditioner but may just swap the conditioner and source pc's, as they are the sam... | |
Power Cords--Your Preference? I use a loom of PS Audio's Perfectwave cables ranging from the AC3,AC5,AC10 and AC12 and find them fantastic! | |
Used players better than $1.2K 13 yr old player? Might have been inadequate burnin time, Its 500 to 700 hours to settle! | |
Solid State CD Player under $2000 Oppo 95! without a doubt | |
Morrow MA3 interconnects The reason I use the MA3 is because it has the best bass Iv'e heard in my set up its deep, powerful and extended! As stated above it does take up to 350 to 400 hrs to fill in, top to bottom the MA3 is hard to beat! | |
Oppo BDP-95 sounds GREAT? I was lucky to get one of the first batches of 95's in early March, and in my modest setup It has become a stellar performer!, The 95 will take no less than 500 hours to burnin and sound its best, as it stands now in my system. I listen to much mo... | |
Best 2CH SACD Player for $2k Or Less, New or Used? I'll second the Oppo 95! outstanding. | |
Oppo 95 setup question -- complete Noob question If you use the multi input on your Rotel only for the Oppo and set the 95's dedicated stereo outs to out put FL/FR, this will insure the best of both worlds by playing back 2 channel and multi from the same outputs. This will also insure at all ti... | |
Oppo 95 setup question -- complete Noob question Sorry Rlwainwright that's not entirely correct! The 95 has no Cirrus dac's in it at all, only the 93. The 95 has 2 Ess sabre dac's one for the 5.1 and one for the 2 channel stereo outs! To save on cables an updated feature was added you can use th... | |
PS audio Ultimate outlet or Quintet? Hey Levy03, nice setup must be the loom! What differences did you notice from cryo'd Quintet from the stock? Iv'e thought of sending my cables and Quintet in for this treatment. | |
PS audio Ultimate outlet or Quintet? I'm Curious Kennyb, what power cord did you use on your Quintet? I found the highs pristine and pure of tone. My Quintet is on a dedicated 20amp 10awg line with a Powerport Premier outlet, from there I run an AC10 to the Quintet with great results! | |
Best Cables for around $500 Siblance is not a problem here with the MA3- XLR in my SS setup, I actually found the highs revealing, airy and the right amount of detail, but never bright are harsh!Like all things cables system dependant. | |
New Giant Television The Mitsu's are up to 92" Dlp, and should b realeased soon. that should be big enough! I beleive price is around $5000 |