

Responses from kclone

Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
Randy, why don't you go ahead and try them out?  What do you have to lose?   they have a try out policy.  Then you can tell us we are all crazy.   
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
The McIntosh MDA 1000, although is 2004 technology, is still pretty awesome with redbook, 
Duelund DCA16GA
Duelund has a 10ga now? Nice. Interesting that we both found the Duelund 16GA a little to bright with our systems. I have made some changes too and honestly I have not tried the Duelund 16GA since the changes, so maybe I should give it another shot. 
Duelund DCA16GA
grannyring, I am a big fan of the WE/Dueland speaker cables, but they are not better than the Supra 3.4s, very similar in fact.  At least in my system.  I have the WE10GA, WE14GA,  and the Duelunds.  So I have a lot of experience comparing.  Of th... 
Speaker Cable Suggestions
I tried Clear Day Double shotguns.  Tried to make them work in my system, but they were a little dry and did not have a very expansive stage.  At the time it was with. Elac FS 409s.  I gave them to an office mate who is getting into to audio, and ... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
I have really never understood the cables are nonsense crowd.  If your gear is good enough, you can hear the differences between cables.  It is really not that hard, it's just not.    
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
These IC's are balanced, spacious, airy, very live sounding, and well extended without being harsh, yes even on dry, hard, bright recordings.    Those recordings still sound inferior, but you can still enjoy them at a decent volume without wanting... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
The Teo combo Splash/GC is the best IC's I have ever had in my system.  It wasn't so with just the Splash alone.  But once I added the GC and got around 100 hours on them, well, it was really a game changer, especially after 100 hours.   
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
Bumperdoo, I thought you had a Splash Silvers? 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
I second muzikmann.  please send the cables to Ozzy for the reasons he stated.I have had to GC for about 28 hours now.  It is combined with the Splash.  Having two Teo's together is definitely  better than the one.  I like what I am hearing so far... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
Bumperdoo.  okay, then why would you want something in your system that shows everything how bad it is?  I guess some people have different goals with their system.  But mine isn't to expose or show how bad my recordings and gear are.  
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
I have over 225 hours on the Splash.  Things have really improved.  I mentioned earlier the Duelunds were warmer, fuller, and yet still lively.  The Splash has narrowed the gap in those areas, but is more clear, open, and definitely has a more a e... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
yeah, they get you a tracking number when it ships.   
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
well, it doesn’t sound harsh with everything, it depends on what you are listening too. The Deulunds ICs in both spots along with the rest of my gear, it’s not there at all. So the rest of my system is okay. Besides, I have Proac D48s and McIntosh... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
honestly, "that day" has not come yet with the Spash.  The two Duelund ICs sound fuller, more warm in my system and with just as much liveliness.  Dealing with a little hardness/harshness with the Splash in combination with the Duelund.  I have th...