
Responses from macrojack

the process is more challenging than the result
This thread spans the entire gamut from anal to banal. 
Anyone permanently convert from tubes to SS?
Yes - numerous times. 
Buying used vs. New
Value is established at the point where willing buyer and willing seller converge. 
Buying used vs. New
I agree with Tvad. Rigid policies are inappropriate in the face of inconsistent circumstances. There is no formula that can be applied universally since every situation is different. Factory direct products with strict pricing policies like Red Wi... 
Buying used vs. New
Personally, I'm delighted that there are those who feel the need to buy new. They are the nice people who absorb the initial depreciation so that I can buy and sell used stuff with little or no loss. Keep up the good work, guys. 
Those simpler times.....
Ahhhhh! Remember how we used to reminisce? 
How Many Turntables Have You Owned
I lost track of how many turntables I've used in the past, but I owned all of them. 
Should repaired equipment be stated in the ad??
Like I pointed out above, there is not necessarily a negative stigma attached to service history. Vintage equipment needs caps replaced, tuners need re-alignment, old tube gear often requires cleaning of oxidation and can benefit from new wire. Do... 
Should repaired equipment be stated in the ad??
Maybe we need something like where all repair shops report repairs done. Just put in make, model number and serial number and you get a complete fictional, fabricated reassuring history. Or you get a dirty laundry list of replaced resist... 
Best DIY tweak?
This tweak business is all about creating an enhanced experience, right? Perhaps you're looking at the wrong end of the equation. Anybody who is so restless as to require constant variance in the sound delivery of their system will always pursue t... 
Looking for good quality vintage speakers
These are Henry Kloss speakers. As usual, he was ahead of the curve. He started Cambridge Soundworks as a factory-direct operation back in the 1980s. Must've seen the internet revolution on its way. 
Looking for good quality vintage speakers
CASEY- I'm willing to help out an ambitious college kid. Toward that end, I can offer you a three piece set-up from Cambridge Soundworks called the Ensemble Two. These landed in my lap as the result of a local trade some years ago and I don't know... 
Best DIY tweak?
Knowing what you are doing or getting assistance from someone who does is the best approach. Tweaks are silly and you sound silly promoting them. What a snake pit. 
Technics SL-1950
-If I remember correctly, it was a changer with a removable stacking spindle. And don't sneer at direct drive - it's definitely more turntable than your NAD. 
Crown amps
I had a Crown K-2 myself. Like everything else mentioned in this thread it exceeds the sound of a Crown IC-150 by a large measure. Back in the mid seventies I worked in a place that sold Crown and SAE. Crown held on to second place pretty well unt...