Responses from macrojack
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking I think linear tracking is theoretically superior. However, it seems plain that, for whatever reasons, pivoting tomearm designs have more thoroughly exploited their inherent potential than their linear tracking counterparts so far have. It is enti... | |
Those simpler times..... My compliments to Adam18 for getting this topic opened and aired. I agree that we seem to be standing too close to the painting these days. We may not get the proper perspective anymore on a lot of this stuff. The recording engineers of the day we... | |
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking Mikelavigne and Raulruegas are the guiding lights here. Technics applied more money, expertise and R&D muscle to the development of the SP-10 series than all modern turntable manufacturers combined will acces during their lifetimes. You have t... | |
Members with No Feedback Juxtapose this thread with the ones lamenting the lack of new blood in our hobby. Most of you don't sound very welcoming.Tvad - and a few others- provide a good suggestion about talking on the phone with your prospect. We speak a language that wil... | |
Downgrading... Is it possible??? Suggestions Zu Presence does it for me. Compact with low visual impact, they take up little floor space and because of hi-efficiency and internal powered subs, allow for the use of smaller amplification. Very wide dispersion so you get good soundstage across ... | |
Help contacting BEL re: 1001 This is old but he might still be there. BEL2530 Berryessa RD. #126San Jose, Ca. 95132408-259-8648I used to have a lot of dealings with him back in the 1990s and he was hard to reach even then.Good Luck. | |
Audio Mirror Horns It looks like this speaker can proceed to the head of the rarest speaker list. Hasn't anyone got any info on these? | |
Best U.S.A. speakers? Avantgarde-I agree with Mrtennis. Your post reads like an ad and says nothing at all really. I'm amazed that it was even posted by the censors who discard so many of my comments. | |
Best U.S.A. speakers? The request was for speakers MADE IN THE U.S.A. How many of the above suggestions really qualify? | |
Buying used vs. New I really can't buy locally. Period. It isn't here to be had.So that takes care of the shipping damage question because everything-new or used-is going to be shipped. Scams are another issue entirely and I think you can avoid a lot of that by just ... | |
Stuck on cabinet color Omigod!! I know. I get a headache thinking about matching colors. Wood is sooooo tricky. Perhaps your dealer can recommend an interior designer or a color consultant. Don't overlook the Feng Shui implications. And astrology should always be consul... | |
Beloved equipment WOW!!! Try to picture the reviews that might generate. | |
Technics sp10 mrk2 or SL-1200mrkII I'm with Lewm. My dictionary defines plinth as a base. As such I do not think Raul's arrangement can be seen as a plinth since it doesn't support the table. Rather it serves as an armboard carried by the motor assenbly. And the motor assembly rest... | |
Technics sp10 mrk2 or SL-1200mrkII Mike,Let's start over. Unless you are trying to push against state of the art performance levels, you would likely be better served by a turntable like the Technics 1200 series. That will keep you on the right side of the diminishing returns line.... | |
Technics sp10 mrk2 or SL-1200mrkII Mike,The platter and motor are both part of a single assembly. Raul claims better performance without any plinth and I believe it given his history and credibility. The only complication involved in that approach lies in finding a way to mount you... |