

Responses from mofimadness

Ronnie Montrose
I have just recently really gotten (back) into Ronnie Montrose/Montrose. I've been listening to all of his vinyl. I have almost everything he ever did on LP.This is very sad news. He was a great talent. I wish I had seen him live. One of the few I... 
Any experiences with Modwright SWL9.0SE ???
Shakedown, the only time I've heard or seen a hole having to be cut is for a different RECTIFER tube than the 5AR4/GZ34. The small 9 pin tubes have no problem with clearance of the lid. I tried at least 9 or 10 different brand/styles of tubes and ... 
Advice re: Entry level CD Player
+2 on the Rotel RCD-1072. Excellent player at retail, a killer deal used. 
Any experiences with Modwright SWL9.0SE ???
Dan runs the tubes very conservatively in the SWL9.0SE, so I would say around 6000-8000 hours easily. You can use 5687, 7119, 7044, 6900 tubes in this unit.I never tried the Bendix 6900 tubes because they are ultra expensive, (like $600+ per pair)... 
New 12AX7s from Audio Research
Are these ARC tubes "new production" or NOS, (new, old stock?). I wasn't aware of any new production tubes coming out of West Germany? Maybe there is a new plant there.If they are NOS, could be Telefunken, Siemens or Amperex.Glad they sound good a... 
Highest rez audio service
Rhapsody, Pandora and MOG use MP3 codecs. Your Sonos will have no problem with these. I really like MOG, but still would love to be able to get Hi-Rez in a streaming format. MP3 is NOT a hi-rez format, even at 320K. 
Any experiences with Modwright SWL9.0SE ???
It's a fantastic preamp. I started with the SWL9.0SE, then upgraded to the SIGNATURE version. I then upgraded to the new Modwright LS100. The SWL9.0SE & Signature remain one of my favorite preamps. Excellent value, especially at the used price. 
how to re terminate my cardas hexlink golden 5c
Cardas is probably the only ones who know for sure what color is what. I wouldn't think it would make a huge difference as along as you use the same colors on each end, of course. If they are all the same guage, does it matter? I've never cut the ... 
how to re terminate my cardas hexlink golden 5c
I agree with the above comments. I was a Cardas dealer for many years and they are almost impossible to re-terminate yourself. Cardas uses a pretty elaborate method to put connectors on their cables. I would send them to Cardas and let them do it. 
Highest rez audio service
I think, (but could be wrong) that the OP is asking if anyone "streams" hirez music, like Pandora or MOG or internet radio stations, not just downloading it. I think that would be really nice also. I'm assuming that too much bandwidth would be req... 
Room treatments - GIK Vs Acoustimac
In addition to my above post, I looked on both sites and could find nothing stating the rating that Lifeengineer posted? Acoustimac gives a NRC and a SAA rating. I couldn't find this info on the GIK site at all.Both GIK and Acoustimac use Owens Co... 
Room treatments - GIK Vs Acoustimac
From the info I found, they use the same exact materials. I can't see how one can have a higher, (or lower) rating than the other. Are you sure you are comparing the same model and SIZE of panel? 
How many albums do you need ?
How many albums do you need? This is a trick question right? I think that's were the word "infinty" originated from. 
Room treatments - GIK Vs Acoustimac
I did not compare the two. IMHO, acoustic panel treatments like these are pretty much the same. They don't make a "sound", so it would be pretty hard to tell any differnce. They are made with, more or less, the same materials. I just liked the bui... 
New 12AX7s from Audio Research
For about that kind of money, you can buy the new Psvane 12AX7 Grade A, fully matched from Grant Fidelity. I have some of these in one of my phono stages and LOVE them. I think there is someone here on the 'Gon that sells them also. I have only pu...