

Responses from mofimadness

Canare 4s11 or Anti-Cable/JW CryoNova
Canare 4S11 
Anthem Amp 2 Hybrid Stereo amp ???
I was running some Cardas back then. I don't remember the model, but I soon switched to the MapleShade Golden Helix which was an excellent match with that amplifier.I've gone through several different cables since then settling on the Canare 4S11 ... 
Anthem Amp 2 Hybrid Stereo amp ???
I had an Anthem Amp 2SE+ for several years and it remains one of my favorite amps. It controlled my Martin Logan CLSIIA's with aplumb. These speakers are very hard to drive and alot of amps I tried just pooped out. The Amp 2 had great bass control... 
Do You Love Music or Do You Love Hi-Fi?
Do You Love Music or Do You Love Hi-Fi?YES! 
Record Clamp for Rega TT
I have a TTWeights clamp that was designed especially for the Rega tables. Actually, it's a record "weight". It doesn't clamp per se, but sits on the spindle. I think it works and sounds great.http://www.ttweights.com/catalog/item/6997332/7020292.htm 
Maggie speakers and bi-amping
There was just a thread on here a few days or maybe a week ago that discussed this very thing. I tried to find it, but had no luck. Maybe someone else remembers the thread topic title and can post it. 
Budget speaker cable for my Usher S-520
Canare 4S11. I replaced some very expensive cables in my he-man rig with these and couldn't be happier. Retails for about $1.50 a feet unterminated and is very easy to terminate yourself or some places sell it predone for not a whole lot more. 
A "pop" masterpiece...
Elvis Costello-"My Aim is True" 
Best value turntable under 1k
Rega is closing out their P5 model. Most places are selling these new for $995. Excellent table and arm and a great price! 
Can a rogue audio Cronus be used just as a preamp?
I just looked at the owner's manual for the Cronus and it shows 2 sets of RCA outputs. 1 fixed and 1 varible, so yes you can use this as a preamp. Use the varible outputs so that the volume control works. 
Power amps for King II speakers
Pass Labs XA60.5 or the XA100.5 would be my choice. 
Gong to some lp's
The ARC REF 3 does NOT have a phono stage. Excellent preamp, but no internal phono board. 
Audio Technica AT150MLX finally gets some respect
My Audio Technica AT150MLX has remained in my stable for quite awhile now. I am always selling off other cartridges, but just move the 150MLX from table to table. EXCELLENT cartridge!!! 
William Z Johnson RIP
Bill was one of the first high-end people I meet when I decided to open an audio store way back when. He gave me much needed advise and I always appreciated his kindness. Audio Research was his pride and joy.He will be missed.RIP Bill. 
Quality 15 Amp Right Angled Plug
These are very good:http://www.voodoocable.net/VAPA.htm