Responses from mofimadness
TT grounding issue It's probably already grounded somehow, (most likely through the interconnects). By adding the ground from the table you are creating a ground loop. Leave it off, no problem. You might put a piece of tape on the end of the wire so that it doesn't ... | |
six year old 6sn7's, pushing my luck? If they still sound good and perform well, I'd leave them in until they completely crap out. Why fix it, if it ain't broken? | |
Counterpoint SA20 Michael Elliott, the person who designed that amp while the head of Counterpoint, now owns Alta Vista Audio. That's where I would have it fixed. You might sit down before you get a price for repair. He's pretty expensive.http://www.altavistaaudio.... | |
worst cover songs..... I agree with Wendell and Tim. Joe Cocker's version is excellent! | |
Best Live Album Ever... While I'm not a big "live" album fan, I do really like both of Jackson Browne's "Solo Acoustic" sets. | |
Your perfectly produced/performed studio rock song Almost any song off of Steely Dan's "Aja" and/or "Gaucho" albums. | |
A really charming youtube video from Lisa Hannigan I really like her. Thanks for sharing. Off to Amazon to buy her CD... | |
So, what's your audio resolution for 2012? Sorry Theo, but this "vaporware" cabinet is never going to happen. Better have it built before December 21st :-) | |
Best audio purchase of 2011 Modwright LS100Eastern Electric MiniMax DACLyra Delos Olive 04HD | |
Any Caviar Fans Here? I know this is an acquired taste, but YUCK. Yes, I have tried Caviar several times...still YUCK. | |
Phono Preamp vs Preamp for a Turntable You CAN use any preamp with a built-in phono stage with your current setup. The turntable hooks to the "phono in" on the preamp and you can use either the "preamp out" or the "tape out" to any high level input your receiver.The "preamp out" will l... | |
audiophile rockers IMHO, there is no one like Becker and Fagen. They have always been concerned with sound quality. Steely Dan rules! | |
Equipment you just must get if you can MBL Speakers. | |
What did you get for Christmas? I got an Olive 04HD and a Parasound JC-3. Merry Christmas to me! | |
Removing tube from EE Minimax Dac To remove the metal shield, push in on it and turn. It is spring loaded. Once removed, the tube pulls straight out. |