Responses from mofimadness
Room treatments - GIK Vs Acoustimac I did alot of research before I bought my panels. I was going to buy from GIK until I saw the back of their panels. They didn't/don't trim the fabric and they just looked cheaper. Granted it's on the back, but I thought maybe the overall construct... | |
Denon DCD A100 Audiogoner "Theo" just bought one of these and did a ton of research before he made his purchase. Maybe he will respond. I think he found the Denon for close to half price. | |
Van Halen, baby I agree with Tom on their new album. Very disappointing to say the least. I also saw them in concert many moons ago and they did put on an excellent show... | |
Can't find Sarai Givaty music on CD I have recently also ran into a couple of artists that I was looking for their CDs and found MP3 downloads only. I am assuming it's a much cheaper way for the artist(s) to get heard. I didn't buy the MP3s, hopefully they will have CDs out at some ... | |
Transports and jitter When I was looking for a transport a year or so ago, I tried many and found all of them to sound different. Some better, some worse, but all made an impact. There was a thread on here awhile ago talking about transports and most all who responded ... | |
what does V.P.I. stand for? I remember reading a long time ago that only the Weisfelds and HP, (Harry Pearson of TAS) know for sure. | |
How Do You Pronounce Thiel? Tom6897 is correct. One of my stores was a Thiel dealer way back when. It is pronounced "TEAL". | |
Snell EIV: refoam or replace? The other one I was trying to think of is Bill LeGall of Millersound: | |
Snell EIV: refoam or replace? I was a Snell dealer and your EIV are excellent! You do not need to take the whole speaker in for repair. Pull the woofers out and send them to: number of other repair places. There is anoth... | |
Tom Waits Bad? Tom Waits is an acquired taste. When I was younger, I really didn't care for him. As I've aged, I can listen to certain albums with admiration. | |
Lorez Alexandria Thanks for the info on Nina. I have been looking for different albums by her. There are so freakin' many! I did get for Christmas a new CD boxset that has 9 of her RCA back catalog albums: | |
Lorez Alexandria Thanks for recommendation! I've never heard of her. I have really been getting into Nina Simone recently. Talk about talent... | |
ever been duped ordering "new" CDs on Amazon? I buy well over 100 CDs a year from Amazon and Amazon Marketplace. Big difference guys. Amazon sells NEW CDs, Amazon Marketplace is for third party vendors. Some sell new, some sell used. I've only had 1 bad CD that was listed as "like new", but r... | |
Unfocused Sound stage You say that you have "a tube preamp". Many tube preamps invert phase, (mine does). If yours does, you need to swap + and - on both speakers. | |
2011 Record Sales Tpreaves...what you didn't buy, I did! |