Responses from mofimadness
Tube DAC Conundrum I agree with Mrtennis. I have owned lots and lots of tube gear and always turn them off after a listening session. My solid state gear is left on. | |
Popular Female Singers in the past 2 decades Norah JonesGrace PotterShelby LynneTift MerrittAna PopovicBeth Hart | |
New Rega RP6 Sweet. Looks pretty nice. Thanks. | |
Is there one item you have been wishing for? This is my dream system: | |
Good all around speaker stands... Pangea makes some pretty nice metal stands that are inexpensive. Audio Advisor sells them. | |
Album Of The Year 2011 Shelby Lynne-"Revelation Road" | |
Rega TT Owners - P3-P5-P7 As you move up the Rega line, you get a better tonearm with each model up.There are places that are closing out the P5 for $999. That's the one I would buy. | |
Dahlquist 10 width? Width is 30 3/4 inches. | |
Decent cartridge for Linn LP12 with Ittok LVII I also recommend the Linn Adikt. Excellent cartridge and you keep the Linn synergy. | |
WAV vs. FLAC vs. AIFF To add depth to this discussion and to not hijack it, what settings are the best if you use WAV? Which settings for FLAC, which settings for etc.? | |
Graham Phantom I tonearm I agree with Stanwal. It's the gauge and not the arm. | |
Newbie Phono Preamp for Clearaudio Concept TT SimAudio Moon LP3. | |
Budget Speakers for a small living room I just bought a pair of the Pioneer SP-BS41-LR that got the great review in Stereophile a few months ago. These list at $199 a pair, but most places sell them for $149-$169. I found them brand new, factory sealed, full warranty for $99 plus just $... | |
At What Point is the Needle Damaging Records? It's time to replace your cartridge. | |
Christmas Music and Audiophiles? The new She & Him-"A Very Special She & Him Christmas" is excellent. |