

Responses from mulveling

Turntable Isolation Journey
Hey Folks, Hopefully within the next two weeks I will have my TechDas III Premium S. Note the S as that denotes the newer isolation feet. Initially it will sit a bit behind but within two feet of my right speaker. It will be on an inexpensive bu... 
Audio Research in Receivership.
So basically, it looks like ARC is probably going to be fine after a blip. Too many people speculated way too hard with NO useful knowledge on this situation. The guys who were asserting "ARC is closed for business" should be considered for bans.   
Question about wpc on tube amps
Ah, I neglected to the heed budget of $1,000, sorry 😅 I agree with others, that’s not a budget where I’d typically recommend a tube amp, especially at the power levels needed for Magnepans. However, if it’s not a hard limit, with some patience yo... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
Yes, let’s keep it veered towards friendly and non-political -- or at least less political since it's hard to avoid these days. Sure we’re mostly Americans and Canadians here; we generally like each other but also love to rip on each other :) @wh... 
Question about wpc on tube amps
I’m a big fan of tube amps, but when it comes to sheer power, watts are watts. There’s no magical "tube watts" that’s going to make 50 Watts act like 100 (etc). And as for tubes’ famed "soft clipping" -- a push/pull tube amp with feedback (typical... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
To be clear, the wall in question here is an outside wall. There is indeed a lot of vibration energy going through the walls too, but the Auralex foam tile I’m using to couple the rack to the wall helps reject a lot of this. It’s a give-and-take b... 
Mobile Fidelity Settlement Update
After the settlement was reached, however, a few plaintiffs filed a motion complaining the deal was unfair and provided “inadequate relief.” Who ARE these people?! Yes, I’m sure you’ve been so severely damaged by the revelation that digital mas... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
Well thanks for the tip about spikes into hockey pucks for speaker footers! I’m amazed at what it did for a pair of Pure Audio Project speakers on a sprung floor. Just snapped everything into focus and took the goo out of the midrange. Much bette... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
You play a lot of music at loud levels in that room?  Not much I can see will help with airborne interference.  Maybe a nice digital playback source. Since the structure-borne energy has been addressed, airborne energy doesn't seem have been be... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
+1 Townshend seismic platform. Improved the sound of my Rega P8 as their sales guy said, startlingly. I have a suspended hard wood floor over a crawl space. Interestingly though, the platform actually created footfall problems that previously di... 
New to Preamp - Preamp suggestion around 10k
Also - don’t know how you feel about "Stax Mafia" / Kevin Gilmore electrostatic amp designs, but you might consider snagging a KGST (cheaper), KGGG (more expensive), or BHSE (Headamp, more expensive) when they come up on the used market. Just avoi... 
New to Preamp - Preamp suggestion around 10k
@cming0038 @bdp24 So far I’ve only owned the MC SUT’s by EAR (absolutely fantastic SUT’s), but I’ve long been curious about their other tube electronics. Especially their preamps and HP-4 headphone amp. I bet they’re fantastic. If I were to pick... 
New to Preamp - Preamp suggestion around 10k
Question for the group.  The OP is looking for "slight bit of warmth, plus better dynamics and imaging" and is asking for pre-amp suggestions to help with that.  Is a pre-amp the right tool to solve this issue?  Or would looking at different head... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
@pindac right on! :)  
New to Preamp - Preamp suggestion around 10k
Also, quite honestly I prefer Rogue’s older Athena and Hera models over the 9, but I understand I’m a bit of an oddball ;) I currently have a VAC Master, ARC Ref 6, and VAC Renaissance III in my stable and I STILL hang onto an Athena because I ju...