

Responses from mulveling

Retip lyra delos and upgrade
@needlestein  Every time you post it is incredibly insightful and interesting. Thank you!  
Rogue Audio. Reliability issues? Anyone?
@nickrobotron  Great! I wish you a speedy and satisfactory resolution :) I got my 1st tube component about 20 years ago, and in that time I've owned over 100 components - more than half of which had tubes. I understand your trepidation with tube... 
Rogue Audio. Reliability issues? Anyone?
They might have got somewhat of a bad rep for their cathode-bias amps of 20+ years ago. That would be the 88 and M120 models. These amps threw out a whole lot more heat, which can cause problems. Their current tube amp models are manually biased ... 
If it sounds 'great', everything is ok?
There are going to be opposing views on the dangers of high VTF. Some would say it's better for the stylus to remain firmly seated in the groove, even at a bit too high a VTF, versus being too light and risking mis-tracking, or even bouncing aroun... 
If it sounds 'great', everything is ok?
@eagledriver_22 The Clearaudio magnetic bearing arms are far enough away from the VTF scale that it should not affect the measurement at all. However these arms are extremely sensitive to footfalls (or feedback) and require meticulous isolation ... 
If it sounds 'great', everything is ok?
Of course we will try to overcomplicate this. But I think that’s a fair rule of thumb to simplify the 1-million-variable complexity of vinyl setups: if is sounds really good, it probably isn’t too far off the mark on anything. Maaaybe VTF and anti... 
Shelter 501 mk2 v mk3
Is the output different? Specs (sourced online) seem to be same on Mk 2 and Mk 3 - 0.4mV @ 12 ohms. This is a typical ratio for Shelter; their top "ultimate line" cartridges are 0.5mV @ 15 ohms which actually indicates a bit more coil is used (the... 
Stupid Asking Prices- Why Don't Sellers Read Audiogon The Blue Book First?
I’ll look for a specific piece and sometimes I’ll wait 2-3 yrs.. I know in this hobby, if you’re patient and emotionally detached, you’ll eventually get what you want. It seems when I wait, I always get an even better deal -and it makes it that m... 
VAC preamps - too expensive?
Bingo regarding everything that you posted. Yes, we buy and enjoy VAC! How is your Master 300iQ amp? I’ve gotta listen to that somehow somewhere. @kmmd  They're absolutely amazing - biggest component difference I’ve ever heard in my system. Too... 
VAC preamps - too expensive?
@kmmd His fixation here, when he’s clearly NOT the target audience for VAC gear, is kinda weird (as is the account hopping). He mentions Dan D’ag, but we know he wouldn’t buy that gear either because "too expensive". He could also buy a used VAC... 
Stupid Asking Prices- Why Don't Sellers Read Audiogon The Blue Book First?
There are "dreamers" on every sales platform. I don’t think it’s too bad on audiogon, overall. And the bluebook itself wasn’t a great guide - though it’s been years since I had access. The bulk of data lagged behind recent trends (usually trending... 
VAC preamps - too expensive?
Sounds like Vac Products require lots of maintenance. What do they do to it and why is it necessary? Super inconvenient for a quality product You come off as a troll, but just to clarify for the benefit of others: No, they don’t need more serv... 
VAC preamps - too expensive?
Going back to the many skeptics and sour grape guys in 2021.  Tell me.....how many companies are there where the CEO (Kevin Hayes) is highly likely to answer the phone when you contact the company??....and then he will speak with you for as long ... 
Wayne's Audio Turntable Periphery Stabilizing Outer Ring
I’ve used the Clearaudio ring for almost 10 years now. It’s become 2nd nature; I don’t even think about using it. Yeah you have to be careful cueing up, but you should be careful anyways!! The CA ring works even with wide and low Koetsu stone bodi... 
What's your experience with snooty HiFi salesmen?
I knew a  snooty salesman that used  the ploy of asking customers how much they wanted to spend then demonstrating a well matched system that was much more expensive before saying -But of course you can't afford that -before moving to a bad sound...