

Responses from mulveling

KT120 replacement options in a Cronus Magnum II
@mulveling I’m with ya man, only have so many spare quads of KT120s and KT150s lying around. If New Sensor does not figure out how to get them out, its only a matter of time before PSVANE and others start producing clones, Read something recently... 
KT120 replacement options in a Cronus Magnum II
KT120 had been stock in Rogue amps for many years now. You can run the KT120 in these amps at a higher bias (40 - 45mA, or even 50mA if you’re bold) than KT88 (35mA). In operation, they should be fairly close with more headroom (plate dissipation)... 
Increasing a Low output MM
Now that I look more closely at the cited phono stage -- as others are saying, this Leben RS - 30 EQ is spec’d at only 23.5dB gain, which is way too low, crazy low. I personally avoid MM stages below even 40dB. However, the picture gets much more ... 
Increasing a Low output MM
You would need a head-amp with flexible loading and gain options. The Hagerman Piccolo is perfect for this, and not too expensive either. The only potential hang-up is it lacks capacitive loading options, though technically you can play with cable... 
Poll: Most impactful component
Of surprise to me, power amp has consistently been the biggest difference maker in my journey.    
Turntable Isolation Journey
@mulveling, yes Target make wall mounts but mine is a 5-shelf floor model.  The unit itself is steel I believe and quite heavy, so with added components (the Technics is surprisingly heavy) the total mass is substantial. Then beyond the turntabl... 
I want your opinions on these 3 phono stage
Agree with @vonhelmholtz -- this is a pretty small niche hobby to begin with, few of us discuss it online, and an even smaller % of that are here on audiogon. So when you see threads like "who's heard A, B and C" -- 99% of the time nobody qualifie... 
Which SUT to match Koetsu Rosewood Standard in my system?
The step up ratio needed for any pairing is system dependent. What someone else “likes” in terms of turns ratio is moot. Furthermore it seems Mulv has platinum magnet Koetsus, which would give the lower voltage output he quoted, 0.3mV. In that ca... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
mulveling, I'm late to the party but want to add my thanks for your information and starting this helpful discussion. Somewhere I read a recommendation for this product.  I've not tried it but it seems to be a very inexpensive device to try.  It... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
Just an additional follow up -- I’m really enjoying this setup now. It sounds absolutely wonderful - engaging, organic, full-bodied, liquid. Good depth to the image. Very smooth. VERY low listening fatigue. All the things I like. Absolutely fantas... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
Yes special shout-out to @mmcnult1 (Matt McNulty / The RockDoc) -- I’ve been friends with him on Facebook for a while now, and he’s been an all-around helpful and friendly guy in several of the audiophile groups there. I knew he does a lot of work... 
Which SUT to match Koetsu Rosewood Standard in my system?
For Koetsus I like the Koetsu SUT best, followed by the EAR MC-3 / MC-4. But the CineMag / Bob’s Devices 1254 / 1131 / Sky models are also excellent for the money -- musical and fun to listen to. The EAR’s have a 10x tap but for my 0.3mV Koetsus (... 
Why Are There So Many Used Rogue ST-100's Being Offered For Sale?
As others have rightfully pointed out now — it’s simply a popular amp that’s been out for several years. If you’re looking for nefarious undercurrents you’re not going to find them here. There are simply a lot of units out in the field, and over t... 
Is there a ceiling limit on what you are willing to pay for an audio component?
If I had the money there is literally no limit to what I would spend on a component. The most I’ve put into a single component now is north of 30K. That’s still a lot less damage than a divorce or any other myriad of bad choices men make in life.  
New to Preamp - Preamp suggestion around 10k
@cming0038 Nice! If you’re happy with the resultant sound, that is what matters. Having a reference system (or systems) and comparing gear over time will develop your ability to quickly pick out a specific component’s sonic disposition (warm &am...