Responses from mulveling
Big Krells Have Vanished From The Used Market The longer an item has been out of production, the lower its circulation. That’s not specific to Krells. But big Krells have the added disadvantage that they’re heavy as hell, hard to even move a few inches, and extremely costly to ship. Plus they... | |
Cartridge Advice Please I really like the Benz Wood SM for the money. Going up the Benz line, however, can be tricky. When they swap over to ruby plates (Ruby, Gullwing, LPS), the electrical characteristic changes a lot (much high coil impedance for each output level). I... | |
What's your experience with snooty HiFi salesmen? Can't really recall any. But then I just avoid people who are likely to annoy me and try not to dwell on it. It's like 2nd nature now. Also helps to do due-diligence beforehand, so I can provide my context and targeted questions from the get-go. ... | |
Really...My favorite power tube is reissue that's not widely popular Would the 7581A be biased the same as a 6L6GC/KT-66? I am currently running KT-88s in my DeHavilland 50A mono blocks and would like to try the 7581As. The DeHavilland is designed to accept 6L6/KT-66 tubes and a bias setting for those is specified... | |
FR64 cartridge suggestions @kdogsy If you've already got a Koetsu, it's hard to go wrong with 64S. The 64fx might be a bit more versatile with more medium-ish compliance MCs. But the 64S is better with Koetsus, certainly. On my Clearaudio Innovation, 64S is the #1 arm. An... | |
Law Of Diminishing Returns? The "value" curve may not be linear, but neither is our perception of pleasure. Many try to approach 2ch system building like they’re choosing car insurance. Not me. I get too excited by the nuances of different gear, and what unique sonic perspec... | |
FR64 cartridge suggestions RE-surfacing an old thread here. Wondering if someone can tell me about head-shell compatibility with these FR64 tone arms?. Can I use regular headshells like I would on a technics 1200g arm for example? . If so what can be said about the native ... | |
Preamps with I2s input To be clear - your digital transport (source) is what needs to support an I2S output, not your preamp. It's not a common feature. PS Audio's PerfectWave SACD transport does I2S over HDMI, for starters. | |
Preamp Advice/experiences needed If you can find a used Rogue Athena it meets your criteria (for a LOT less money) and I personally prefer its sound quality over their newer RP-9. I’ve also had a Ren V and felt its bass response was a little soft, Fantastic midrange, though. Abo... | |
Concrete Slabs Sounds like you’ve got your turntable support reasonably well sorted. Congrats! In my experience: isolation isn’t a problem, until it’s a BIG problem. If you don’t have good enough support (combination of rigidity & mass), then footfalls and s... | |
Tube amps - what 3 things… Auto-bias circuity (this applies to push-pull topologies) is lovely, and usually includes superior protection & status indicators that are preferable to fuses. I’ve had a tube fuse blow and it wasn’t even immediately apparent that single ... | |
A Thought Exercise: Consolidating Analog To One Table and Two Cartridges Well essentially that points to standing where I am as both tables in my possession are quite respectable. In a way that is how I got to this point. When buying the SOTA Cosmos I bought an earlier generation Star Sapphire to determine if I liked ... | |
A Thought Exercise: Consolidating Analog To One Table and Two Cartridges Unless you’re on concrete slab, don’t consider selling the SOTA. I tried to make a Clearaudio work on a suspended wood floor, and it was just too tough. I suppose there’s a Townshend Podium I could try as a potential "proper" solution, but the SOT... | |
What is your experience with amp power? Why Do Tweeters Blow When Amplifiers Distort? See below: Mike That site is normally a good source of information, but that particular section "6 Bigger Amplifiers" seems short sighted to me: It assumes t... | |
Which ARC ref linestage to try: Ref3, Ref5, Ref5SE? HATE forward sounding systems The Ref 6 is absolutely fantastic, and good deals can be had used. Hard to imagine you wouldn't be satisfied with that one. It's not too forward or too laid back; it's music. |