

Responses from mulveling

Turntable Isolation Journey
Oops, sorry it was indeed @drbond with the Vibrasystems recommendation - my bad! Could you please provide a link to us? :)   
New to Preamp - Preamp suggestion around 10k
That sounds like an unusual arrangement for a Stax amp. Bypass its internal preamp with an external one? There is no such preamp stage in most direct-drive Stax amps, which need to supply 50 - 60 dB net gain (more similar to phono stage, minus the... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
@karl_desch I am wondering if you could expand on rack bracing and use of the Aurelex foam.  Not sure I understand what the foam is doing here and how the rack is braced.  It’s very simply just a shim of flat material that you wedge tightly b... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
@whart  I'd love to try a Minus-K some day. Amazing tech; they truly look like magic! Though, I do feel this particular system is "well enough" solved for now. Perhaps my opinion will change in the long run.  Haven't tried an active platform eit... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
Thanks for the great feedback everyone :) @macg19 Awesome -- you’ll love the Innovation Compact! I currently have this 12" Universal on it transplanted (left over) from my Master Innovation, but a Tracer or Graham Phantom should be an ideal match... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
the Tracer arm has been rock solid (so to speak) and I’ve run super light, high compliance to heavier mid compliance carts successfully, although my current Stanton has a resonant frequency of 7hz. Perhaps a bit shy of desired range, but doesn’t ... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
Thanks @gakerty  Yes, I still have those Rogue Apollo monoblocks -- ran them as my main amp (in non-Dark and later Dark form) in the big loft system for the better part of 10 years. I tried swapping lots of components during the struggles with th... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
@islandmandan Nice, the Herron is a very good phono stage and I still have one around. At one point I thought the different subsonic filtering between phono stages and SUTs could have some impact, but in the end didn’t find any meaningful differ... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
@drbond  The Minus-K solution looks amazing and was absolutely next on my radar, but the Townshend platform in conjunction with other noted factors has solved this particular system to my satisfaction :)  That's interesting on the Vibrasystems r... 
VAC Musicbloc 160 amps (Any experiences?)
@smodtactical They’re warm and rich without going too far off the reservation. Still really good detail and clarity. I really dig it. I haven’t aimed for "dead neutral" for a long time. VAC really nails their voicing of components. ARC for exam... 
VAC Musicbloc 160 amps (Any experiences?)
Long ago I had Auricle 70 musicblocs (about half the 160’s in price & power), and have been curious about 160s at times. Almost went for a set a few years ago, but ended up buying new pair of 200iQ’s lol. From what I understand (a friend asked... 
Audio Research in Receivership.
The ghost meters are cool, but I find products capable of rolling to different tube types, auto bias circuits, and means to troubleshoot a bad tube far more appealing. @walkertm From The Ref 160M description (also applies to 160S and 80S): T... 
Cadenza Bronze on a Fatboy
It is normal for the Cadenza series and that’s why I would never own one. It is simply a poor design to have the heel ride so close to the playing surface when properly set up. Try playing a warped record at 45 rpm and see if it makes repeated co... 
Suggestions for Phono Preamp
Hagerman Trumpet MC, easy recommendation. It's well worth the extra 200 bucks or so over 1000. Besides the front controls it's as enjoyable to listen to as multi-$K phono stages. It's tubed and has a warm (but wonderful) tilt to its sound. Also re... 
I need impedance help. Rogue RH-5 to Solid State Amp.
@nickrobotron Best to call Rogue for a chat - they’re friendly! Personally I would definitely be concerned by this bit "3.3k ohms at 20Hz" and this bit "the balanced line-output impedances were twice these values". That means 6.6K at 20Hz from t...