Responses from no_money
Transparent users... Question Thanks Rex... NICE SYSTEM! I have ordered the Ultra (MM) bi-wire for now and will hold on to the Balanced Ultra (XL) until I can swing the upgrade to balanced ref. Hopefully the cable makes it here for the weekend!Thanks again for everyones advice. | |
Vandersteen 5a. How refined a product are they 5a is an awesome speaker, hopefully it was the setup. At this price level a home audition is mandatory though. Didac....calibrate your hearing? That's a new one to me. | |
Transparent users... Question Hi Fatparrot, yea I read up on your "other posts" : ) that somehow disappered????Anyhow, I started with Transparent years ago on my first system. As I upgraded components I would then eventually check out better lines of Transparent and upgrade th... | |
Transparent "brick" for in wall cable Not sure, but you may find you like the new (mm) style brick better? The mm stuff has a more open top end, or at least to my ears it does.YMMV.Can you try with and without the brick? | |
Transparent users... Question Amazing = Good enough for me to fork over my hard earned $Transparent may not float everyones boat, but I like how my system sounds wired with it and it appears you get more and more of that as you go up the transparent line.I entitled the thread ... | |
Transparent users... Question Thanks Cytocycle. The proceed manual states it is balanced and I am pretty sure it is a truly balanced circuit? Anyone that knows for sure please chime in, or I will check with my dealer when I order the cable. I still can not believe how quiet th... | |
Best redbook CD playback system for $30k If you are going to buy new then find a local dealer that will treat you right. Take recomendations/auditions from them. Lets face it most components in this price range are going to be very good it just comes down to personal preference and you m... | |
Transparent Ultra or Super? Rex, any experience with the new MM tech. speaker cables as compared to the XL? I have super XL and while they do offer an upgrade to Ultra MM it is still a bit much $$ for me at this time. I might sell this pair to go for Super mm though...Thanks. | |
Transparent Ultra or Super? Are you buying new? The new MM network might change the story a bit for you. Supposedly the new MM Super would be equal to old XL Ultra. I do know that the MM Ultra IC I purchased was much better than the Super XL it replaced, but I do not have an... | |
mark levinson service My Proceed has been gone for 2 months now. Still waiting for parts....... no date or estimate : ( Bryston or Musical Fidelity here I come. | |
High End Myth Glossary. # 1 myth. Big $$ adds in Stereophile will get you a good review. It's a conspiracy theory running wild lately. | |
fabric for curtains to tame echo in my room. After you get the windows taken care of,look around for a rug that would look nice on your back wall between the speakers. I had a real nasty echo and this fixed me up without too much expense.I could hit pause on the CDP before and you could easi... | |
musical fidelity trivista sacd player Couldn't swing the Tr-Vista, but very happy with the A308 I picked up. I prefer it to SACDS played through S9000es on my system....makes me really want to hear a real SACD player, but just can't swing it now, Maybe later : ) | |
Cal Audio Labs Icon MK II I thought Cal. audio was no longer around? | |
CDR's in a DVP9000es Mine will play CD R/W, not CDR. |