

Responses from oddiofyl

Need Inexpensive Crossover
The X30 is very good,  although the ICBM is much better even if you only use the front two channels......I had both and I regret selling the ICBM.    
I have an uber awesome amp, why buy a speaker with a built in woofer sub-woofer amp
I've never been a fan of built in powered subs either,  I prefer running my mains full range and using a separate powered sub for below 50 or 60 Hz depending on the speaker.  Every powered sub speaker I've ever heard sounded muddy and colored to m... 
Threshold 400A Amplifier and Conrad Jonson MF2500A
I'll admit I'm a c-j fanboy, but that Threshold is a killer amp.....enjoy 
6H2311 E8 tubes ??
It may be a 6h23N with weak lettering, that is a 6922 substitute.   
Sellers Beware!!!
I only buy and sell locally,  with a cash transaction.....PayPal held my funds for almost a month even after the buyer signed for the package, left positive feedback, and I forwarded proof of delivery.  I wouldn't mind but it was $2300.....I misse... 
Why should i be a fan of Revel speakers?
I wouldn't say they are the "masters" of anything,  I wouldn't expect them to be for their price ....but they are damn good for the money . The Aerial 5t is on my short list , that speaker is almost twice the money.   
Aesthetix Io transformer noise
Hmmm, I guess he monitors this and other forums....... 
Thoughts on my Sim Moon 260D CD player
That sucks, I've only had a few failures in my 30+ years so I'm pretty lucky I guess.  Of course when it does happen it's usually that one piece that you don't want to be without.   Let us know how Sim Audio takes care of you.....good luck 
My Classe CP700 preamp needs service
I sent my Magnum Dynalab MD90 for service a while back.  Fortunately they have a NY address where they receive items so shipping was cheap.  They were great to deal with, in fact they allowed me to trade that unit in for a Certified Used MD102, th... 
McCormack LD-2 pre or a Mark Levinson?
Just wondering, was that Levinson used? What model?   I didn't think I could live without a remote but it turns out that I can .  My OPPO Blu Ray player has a variable line out,  so now I can change the volume when I am feeling lazy.....plus the s... 
My Classe CP700 preamp needs service
I would only send any of my gear to where it was born.......they have the parts, resources, and techs to repair it properly 
Help with high level subwoofer connection
You can buy banana plugs that you can piggyback another banana to.   Spades are much more secure though..... 
Concert Experience for $5k?
Impossible with a 5k budget in my opinion.....   when I was young I had a pair of Klipsch CF4 towers driven by a pair of B&K M200 Sonata amps  along with a Velodyne ULD 15.  It was loud sure ,but it still couldn't present music like a live per... 
Need Balanced DAC with optical and coaxial inputs for 2 channel home theater system
I have my TV connected via Opt.to the M51 and HDMI from the cable box to the TV, that way my wife and kids can watch TV independently from the stereo.   My Blu Ray is via HDMI to the M51 and I plan on connecting a Bluetooth Receiver to coax.    
Help with speaker placement in my real life room
That's a good idea putting them on wheels to position.   I solved part of my room issues with some curtains and a small area rug.  I put sub on a Gramma platform and decoupled my speaker stands on spikes.  Since placement could only take me so far...