
Responses from perkri

What are your thoughts/opinions on the Orchard Audio Starkrimson Mono Ultra Premium
@jasonbourne71    You’ve done a direct comparison? Or…      
Do you belong more to souce first or to speakers first school of thought ?
Chicken, or the egg… Source. Sometimes speakers. Depends on what I want to listen to.    Switch gear around a fair bit. Sometimes I want to listen to a SE tube amp - that will dictate speakers. Sometimes I want to listen to Class A SS. Then I ha... 
Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?
I have a pair of 77’ CW Decorators. Got them in a trade w a friend.  He had upgraded the crossover to a Crites, as well as upgrading the super tweeter. They were quite boomy/shrill when I put them in my small - 11’x18’ - listening room.  I did ... 
Shocked. Need Opinions. How muck power do I need?
Power supply. Power supply. Power supply.    Bigger amps, have bigger power supplies. Depending on how loud you are listening, as has been said above, it’s about current driving the difficult parts of the speakers load.    Smaller amp could work... 
Do NOS Mullard EL34 tubes last much longer than NOS SED (Svetlana) EL34 ?
I had a quad of the Winged-C’s that seemed to keep going and going… Was going to get another set a few years back, but went a different route instead. Lots of misses. Then I tried the Psvane EL34PH replica tubes. They are now my go to tube. Dynam... 
300B or 2a3 SET Class A for Heretic Model A?
I have transformers in my inventory for a 45 amp, as well as a 2A3 push pull.    I look forward to getting them built and comparing them.    As stated above, I would be looking into a PP 2A3. Very curious about how tyt would sound.    I use a D... 
Leaving tube amps on.
@wolf_garcia  Ha. Love it! People can get a bit precious about tubes. There was a time, when everything ran off tubes… First thing I turn on when I wake up, is the system. Last thing I turn off, is the system. Listen before I leave for work, l... 
Record Store Day 2024?
Didn’t make it to a proper record store. But, the chain store in the local mall got a bunch of titles, and I found a copy of Everybody Digs Bill Evans. Was surprised to find it there. Plus, they had  20% discount if you spent more than 100. So,... 
Benchmark Media Systems. Right or wrong
From the company that puts measurements above all other factors. And I’m sure their perfect specs have zero effect on user expectation having perfect sound reproduction. Notice how the issue of psychoacoustic effect never applies to gear that me... 
Worst Speakers Ever??
Easy I built a speaker based on a speaker designed by a YouTuber. Had such high hopes for this full range speaker/enclosure. Worst sounding speaker I’ve ever heard/built. Should have known better, but was willing to see if this approach worked.... 
Think I ruined stylus
Stylus on cartridge, it should be fine.    The other “stylus”, well, that could be another story…  
Integrated for Cornwall IV
Not the same, but I have a pair of Cornwall decorators that are modded with a lot of bracing, Crites Xover and Crites super tweeters.    I drive them with a low watt EL84 SE amp, a low watt single ended SS VFet amp, Push Pull EL34 tube, 100 watt ... 
Measurement Bias
This has been on my mind lately.    I’ve been thinking about ASR, and the believers who reside there. They are always talking about bias, and the reasons why people think that something sounds good.    Not sure they consider how they might have ... 
How Is This Possible? Must be Counterfeits
Stumbling upon AliExpress, is kinda like stumbling upon Amazon :)   Counterfeits galore…   But, there are original Chinese brands of cable that are very good for the money.    I picked up a phono cable as I was having issues with noise with t... 
Leben CS300XS Tube Rolling
Not too long ago, I bought some new EL84’s for my DIY SE amp.    The previous tubes were not very good - JJ’s   The new tubes simply changed everything about the sonic presentation.   They were The Tube Stores house brand.   Not very expens...