
Responses from rcprince

Opinions on Sonoran cables
Doug, you're right, it was a long time back, but he thought they were among the best available at the time. Quite frankly, I don't think there have been that many quantum leaps in cable technology since then either, despite what the manufacturers ... 
What s Your Frame of Reference?
An interesting question. Gregm's suggestion of the Chesky disc is a good one. The Stereophile recordings have detailed notes as to what they think the recording sounds like, those are also helpful. Otherwise, I try to play well-recorded recordings... 
Absolute Best power amp, tube ss
For solid state, the best I've heard are the Levinson 33s; for tubes, a few--Jadis JA80s and JA200s (using Gold Lion KT88s); Lamm ML-1s and 2s; and the Audio Matiere Ultimas. 
Opinions on Sonoran cables
I had their original interconnects and speaker cables (Cactus and Desert, I believe), and still use their interconnect for my tuner. I like it, it's quite neutral, maybe leaning a little to the rich and sweet rather than bright and ruthlessly reve... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Detlof, thank you for the recommendation on the Kindertotenlieder. I only recently heard this piece on the radio and found it deeply moving. And Tejo for your thoughts on Pires. I always learn something from this thread, glad it's still going strong. 
The BEST system you've ever built !!!!
Krellpower, check out Albert's earlier posts on this thread as well, he had quite an elaborate wiring setup, as I recall. 
Sony SCD-C333ES a good buy?
Grossdp, on your last question, I believe the SA-14 will be going for half the price of the SA-1, so that's still not affordable; don't know about the SA-12. On your first point, Sony indeed did build its two flagships better than their usual stuf... 
Sony SCD-C333ES a good buy?
One of my partners (a non-audiophile who does appreciate good sound) bought this unit at my suggestion a little over a month ago and is raving about it. It replaced an older Phillips model. At $600, with 5-disc changer capabilities (not that many ... 
Also with respect to the second post by the quick-fingered Mr. Campbell, the series he's referring to is in TAS, a series of articles by Sid Marks, I believe. 
Sdcampbell, you are pretty quick with the keyboard! Excellent post! I should point out for Honda's benefit, if he didn't know, that you can (unless they're all sold out) get a few of the Mercs and many of the RCA's as reissued by Classic Records, ... 
My original Mercs that I own have purple (plum?) center labels. The value of the Mercs depends on the pressing (not just whether it's an original issue vs. a generally less desireable Golden Imports reissue, but also the stamper number, such as an... 
Essential Classical
Kitch, thanks for the suggestion, I'll go looking for it (not all versions of the Berlioz use the coronets, so that's my excuse for another version in my collection). Sir Colin and the Concertgebouw (sp., I'm sure) made a terrific Stravinsky balle... 
true 24/96 digital output
Abstract 7 is correct. One thing to remember, and he touched on it, is that you're NOT talking here about DVD-Audio discs, which are not designed at this point to allow a 24/96 digital signal to be output--with them, you are stuck with the DVD-A p... 
Recordings to die for - R R only
I'll start you off with Dire Straits' Love Over Gold; a classic audiophile quality rock recording--plenty of apparent depth, instruments all over the place, little sound effects (breaking glass, doors opening, etc.), plus terrific guitar work. The... 
Dunlavy SC-VI
RCPrince can no longer repond, having died of envy. You will hear from our lawyers.--Estate of RCPrince :>)