
Responses from rcprince

BEST brand for Classical Recordings?
Detloff's answer is right. DG sounds like it does because they multi-mike everything, then use the engineer to mix everything the way the engineer feels sounds natural (not necessarily what the orchestra sounded like in the recording venue, either... 
What length digital cable?
Panzercat's post is what I've heard as well, and it confirms what my dealer and I felt we heard after a number of months of empirical listening using different lengths of the same cable--roughly 1-1/2 meter lengths seemed to sound a little better.... 
Bi-wiring mishap
And NEVER have the positive and negative (red and black, in your case and in all likelihood) speaker leads touch each other, unless you want to start arc welding. Very funny writing, hope your friend is fully recovered. 
The Lengths You ve Gone Through
Justlisten, how much can you bench press??? Carrying two Krells, even KMA 100s, for a 1/4 mile is an Olympian feat! 
What makes a speaker thousands more...
I disagree with Abstract7 only in that, in my view, cables are the highest margin items in the industry (phono cartridges too, but they're an art in the labor, so I'll live with that). 
What makes a speaker thousands more...
Jeff's post is excellent. One thing I'll add, based on the experience of friends of mine who build speakers, is that the cabinets are a huge portion of the cost of speakers, both the enclosure itself and the veneers. As you get into speakers with ... 
Dustcovers.. on or off...
Rfj, remember we're only talking here about during play. I have a dust cover for my Basis Ovation which I put back on after listening. Of course, it is a pain with some turntables with hinged dustcovers, I guess, but I think most of them can be re... 
A fellow member of the NJ Audio Society made up some of these for me a while ago, as my crossovers and Meitner Amps have captive power cords. Using both his own power cords and the more expensive, all-out Full Spectrum cords, it made a big differe... 
Dustcovers.. on or off...
I've heard it both ways on a SOTA turntable, and the sound was clearly compromised by the dustcover. Ken's post is correct, in my view. 
Audio Research vs. Aragon
Keeping the tubed amp in an enclosed area probably is not good for longevity of the tubes or the rest of the amp, although if it has a fan (some ARC models of that time had fans) that may help solve some of the problem. Just make sure you have dec... 
Fluxbuster info
I have one, and agree with Albert--just remember to do the drill for each channel, as the Fluxbuster only does one channel at a time. Plug it in, insert the RCAs, tilt the rocker switch towards the channel to be done, watch the flashing lights til... 
Help Not 60Hz hum but 10Khz wine noise
I found that if my DVD player I use as a transport (Marantz DV18) is on, it sometimes produces a similar high pitched whine when I'm listening to my SACD player, which uses Nordost Quattro Fil interconnects, particularly if I have a disc in the DV... 
Top Ten Tube PreAmp of all time?
The older JP200 had a phono stage; I gather this one doesn't. I also have listened to a JP200 and thought it the best full-featured preamp I'd ever heard; I would consider it over my JP80, but the cost!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Top Ten Tube PreAmp of all time?
Hey Detlof, I gather the I/O has broken in, or was it the cables that were the problem when you first started listening (I remember your posts on the Jadis Fidelity thread)? You still feel the I/O is a little colder? 
Top Ten Tube PreAmp of all time?
Martin, without a price range it's kind of tough to answer your question. There are plenty of suggestions in this thread above. If you listen primarily to classical or jazz, I'd suggest a used Jadis, but that's not cheap, even used; also, among th...