
Responses from rcprince

Another 2,000 Speaker Question
Trelja's post is, as usual, on the mark. I'm not the world's most technical guy, but I've had no trouble dealing with my Audio Research and now Jadis tubed equipment since I was weaned from solid state about 12-13 years ago. There is obviously mor... 
Another 2,000 Speaker Question
No need to apologize, some of us are still asking these questions after years in this hobby! As far as Maggies and tubes, I have not heard them with tubes, but there are internet sites of the many extremely happy Maggie owners which may be of assi... 
Another 2,000 Speaker Question
I hesitated making Trelja's suggestion earlier, as you are focusing on speakers now, but I was thinking the same thing. The Dunlavy IIIs are, as I said, easy to drive, and my personal view from having listened to them for many years at my dealer's... 
Another 2,000 Speaker Question
Given your response to Trelja's post, I second Mikec's suggestion of Dunlavy speakers, although for your price range and musical tastes you might want to think of used SC IIIs, which have good bass to 40hz or so, fine for most rock, folk and jazz ... 
Review: Blind Faith 24BIT Reissue & Second Disk
Bmpnyc: I was at that concert too, up in the loge level, I guess, and very well recall everything you mentioned, but it wasn't me that rushed the stage, honest! The other thing about that concert, and that I hated, was that they were on a revolvin... 
Excellent post, Jadem6. I can second all of his observations. SACD is not a "digital" sound as we're used to, nor is it the sound of vinyl. It is more the sound of the master tape, which in some instances can be a mixed blessing. 
Perfectimage: SACD, to my ears, certainly has the smoothness of vinyl, particularly noticable in the highs, which are quite natural. It does not have the ultimate warmth of vinyl, unless that warmth is on the master tape, as SACD gets you closer t... 
I use a dCs Purcell. I have found it to improve virtually all of the CDs I've played through it in the past year. When I bought it, my dealer had mixed feelings about it, feeling he liked some discs better with it and some better without. Don't kn... 
Vibrapods and Speakers
Doug and Redkiwi, it think it was my speaker system that was referred to in the TAS article, if it was Anna Logg's article. I've been using Vibrapods, with some success, under the 180 pound woofer/subwoofer parts of my speaker system, and I've bee... 
Pipedreams... Any thoughts?
Hi Doug. My recollection is that it was an older Melos preamp, the SHA Gold, not the current version. The preamp was not really much of a limiting factor in our listening, either, as it did very well in the set-up. My point was more going to the i... 
Vinyl or wait for the new stuff??
I have SACD, 24/96 and upsampled CD setups. I have chosen the equipment (Forsell, Audio Logic, Purcell) based on its musicality and how close I can get it to sound like real music. But when I want to be moved fully by the music, I still will alway... 
Keeping cables off the floor
Hello again Detlof! I've been using the Suspendors made by Rite Way, the guys who bring you the Top Hats for tubes. Essentially the ceramic insulators Jadem6 refers to in his post, they remind my non-audiophile friends of little telephone pole ins... 
Jadis Fidelity
Cwlondon, I don't have any experience with the transport other than having heard it in a gentleman's system once, for one CD (I was buying some records from him, so we were listening to vinyl), so I'll pass other than to say that it looks great, d... 
Pipedreams... Any thoughts?
I had the pleasure of hearing the Model 21 at a meeting of the NJ Audio Society last summer, and can say that, even without Lamms and that level of equipment (the dealer used a Melos 333 preamp, Melos 400 monoblocks for the towers and a Bryston fo... 
Jadis Fidelity
Detlof, this definitely sounds like a right brain/left brain situation! Any way you can use the same cables on each, or is the I/O not one with the separate volume controls? Otherwise, I'd suggest breaking in the cables a bit more and letting the ...