
Responses from rcprince

Heavy Metaller needs some class ical .
Good suggestions, gentlemen. When I started getting weaned from acid rock into classical, I started with tone poems like the Mussorgsky (I'd add the Levi/Atlanta Symphony version on Telarc), Sheherezade (Reiner and the Chicago SO on RCA) and Respi... 
24/96 Transports
Marantz DV-18 does as well; you have to set it up on screen also. I believe the less expensive current models of the Marantz DVD players do as well, but I'm not 100% sure on that. 
Best Tube Dac you ve heard
Jsbail: I didn't realize they even had a website. You can call Jerry Ozment directly at 203-966-1732, he'll tell you everything you need to know. 
absolute best component you ever owned
Tireguy: You mean he wasn't talking about cleaning his ears with the corkscrew???????????????? 
absolute best component you ever owned
My Jadis JP80MC preamp and JA80 amps, each with Andy Bouwman's Romantic Era treatment. I've had each of them over 8 years and have pretty much built my system around them. Extraordinarily natural. 
Cough vigilante
Here in NJ, Maestro Macaal has had to turn in the middle of some concerts and beg the audience to try to keep their coughing to a minimum. When recording for archives or for Delos, the announcements mentioned by Albert have been made as well befor... 
Best Tube Dac you ve heard
Another vote for the Audio Logic 2400 (upgraded from the 34). Simply more alive sounding, natural and dimensional, with superb bass extension. I preferred it to the Jadis and Altis, both of which were at least originally designed by the same desig... 
Classical Music-High Quality
Cornfedboy is right, there are a lot of threads on this. As a general rule, Harmonia Mundi, Reference Recordings, Delos, Telarc (some controversy here, as some don't like the Telarc spaced omni sound, which tends to lack the pinpoint imaging of ot... 
Sony 9000 ES SACD output stage cold
Darrell, I believe that Stan Warren does an extensive mod for this player. Simontju was having it done to his player, but I haven't seen any posts from him on the results, or if it's back yet. I think that Great Northern Sound is or at some point ... 
Graham 2.2 Upgrade-Worth It?
I'll let you know my thoughts shortly, I'm getting mine very soon. Given the track record from the other upgrades I've had with his products, I would expect it to be a good sonic improvement. However, and I realize that Graham can't order in bulk ... 
New tubes every year...or every five? ?
I'll add that I've had the same Telefunkens in my JP80 for almost 3 years, and usually leave it on 24 hours a day from Wednesday or Thursday through Monday (it used to be just for the weekend, but that's been expanding). Last time Andy Bouwman mad... 
914nut--You're showing your age with those old speakers! With respect to the Thompson, Analogue Productions has re-released it on vinyl, tube remastering so it sounds quite nice. Definitely spotlighted some of the instruments, that's clear, and I ... 
Jim: Well, it sure isn't your system, unless it's too revealing! I must admit having similar feelings about both the Brahms and parts of the Nature's Realm discs as you, although my characterization of them, as I mentioned before, is congested. So... 
914nut--your post raised many interesting points, some of which I'll try to address. Your short question was if we're talking about the same deficiencies of CDs. My experience, having listened to SACDs for the past four months, is that SACD offers... 
Amp for Acarian Alon IIs
The best I've heard with any Alon speakers have been VTL and ARC amps, in part probably because the Alon's designer prefers tubes. They have also sounded great with (yes) Krell products, and sound good, though not as refined as the above amps, wit...