
Responses from rcprince

Any Famous people on Audiogon ?
Perhaps we should change our definition of what constitutes "famous". I think you should consider Sugarbrie famous, he's performing in concert with Dave Brubeck this month in Baltimore--that's terrific! I'm not famous now, but I was for 15 minutes... 
It is frustrating.....
Excellent post, Frogman, and good luck with your singing, I presume, Sugarbrie. I'll put in a plug for the NJ Symphony Orchestra, Zdenek Macaal does not let them give anything but a fully committed performance. There are plenty of smaller ensemble... 
Tube amp blues
I'm not sure how the Golden Tube is set up, but Najo is right, this sounds like it could be the small signal tubes, rather than the output tubes (the larger ones). Try turning off the unit and swapping the small signal tubes between channels (if t... 
RCA to XLR adapters ?
BAT and Purist Audio make some high quality adapters, I believe. 
Top Ten Tube PreAmp of all time?
Tubegroover: I would not doubt it; my JP80 is a pretty old design as well, and I'm not selling it soon (I heard somewhere it was similar in circuitry to the ARC SP6, but with a much better power supply and point-to-point wiring). A friend of mine ... 
PS Audio Ultimate outlet
I've got one on order, I'll let you know what I think when it comes in. Hope it's not the same reaction as Estmad..... 
Top Ten Tube PreAmp of all time?
There are many who prefer the SP-10 (which I recall is a two-chasis unit) to the SP-11 in their MkII versions. The SP-11 was more neutral and had better deep bass, but certainly lacked the tube bloom and dimensionality of the SP-10. I had an SP-11... 
Favorite nos tube?
Detlof, you use Teles for the MC stage (6DJ8s) as well? Those are the ones I have to keep replacing, and the Amperex are hard to find. 
New tubes every year...or every five? ?
Detlof, my tube guru Andy Bouwman has some tube testers he keeps available for sale as well, and the prices were not high. I'll probably pick one up, although I can always send him my tubes for testing, since I buy from him. 
AM tuner performance?
Good post, Onhwy61. Most high-end tuners seem to have AM as an afterthought, and I thought most people knew that. Would also be interested in the buyer's side.... 
Classics and Cults. Bogus Journalism?
Cwlondon, I recall in one of the recent TAS year-end issues the BEL is up to, I think, a Mk5 version, and continues to be a fave of a few of their reviewers (I think the Mk2 was the original rave). BEL seems to get by on word of mouth, probably a ... 
Favorite nos tube?
Well, the favorite NOS tube really depends, to a large extent, on the equipment involved, and what it's mated to in the system. For my Jadis JP80 preamp, my favorites are Telefunkens for the 12AX7s and Amperex Bugle Boys for the 6DJ8s in the MC st... 
Heavy Metaller needs some class ical .
No need for embarassment, Dekay. I must admit every time I hear the second half of Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 I think of the Bugs Bunny and other Looney Tunes cartoons, which used that music all the time in chase scenes. My son learned Grieg... 
How come nobody mentions Marantz DV18
Top Nuc, I used the DV 18 briefly as a CD player (while my Forsell was being upgraded) and DAD player to hear what it sounded like before I switched it to be used solely as a 24/96 transport. My impression was that it was a very smooth player, not... 
Classics and Cults. Bogus Journalism?
You're not thinking of the BEL (Brown Electronics Labs) amplifier that TOM raved about in TAS, are you? They are still made and popular, so I wouldn't call them a one hit wonder. The Crown Macro got hit with a controversial Lewis Lipnick pan in St...