
Responses from rcprince

Who has actually listened to DVD audio?
Having SACD in my system, my feeling is that it is getting closer to analog than I thought digital ever could get. It will probably not replace my vinyl, which still is warmer sounding, but it does have the ease and openness you get from vinyl. So... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Kitch29: Glad to see another old Tim Buckley fan; I too miss his songwriting; I can't believe his son's tragic end as well. I went to about 5 of his concerts, and only once did he actually finish the set; sometimes he never even showed, at others ... 
Tube output stage CD player ?
They were usually based on the Magnavoxes , like the Magnavox 472, and corresponding Philips based units. Some sounded pretty good, too, for those times. And yeah, musicians I know for the most part don't seem to care as much about the sound as th... 
gorecki's #3
My recollection is that the Zinman/Dawn Upshaw version (can't remember the label) was a rarity of a mainstream label and an audiophile-quality recording. 
Tube output stage CD player ?
Hey Trelja, did you ever own one of the early Analogic Designs players made by Scott Nixon (later called Anodyne)? I did, and for the very reasons you mentioned about early digital. Gave it to a musician friend years ago, and I believe she's still... 
Tube output stage CD player ?
That one has been and will continue to be debated on this site forever with respect to amplifiers, preamps and the like. Were you to ask the designer of a tubed unit, doubtless he would say the tubed one; likewise, the designers of the Levinson an... 
SACD player as CD transport?
Drubin, your question is a good one. I'm not sure of the actual differences between the two units, perhaps someone out there knows. My understanding from hearsay is that the SCD-1 has additional damping, may have some better parts in the analog st... 
Jean Gilleau-Pipe Organs?
Reference Recordings Pomp and Pipes. I have a lot of others, but for sonics this will float your boat... 
SACD player as CD transport?
In a brief trial, I preferred my Forsell transport to the SCD777ES as a transport, but the difference, to my ears, isn't that big, and you're talking about probably (at least in my view) one of the best transports out there. The Sony sure seems to... 
SACD - Another year and ...
I'm VERY happy with the mod, but it does have a down side as well. SACD gets you closer to the master tape, and the new output stage turns the Sony into a high-resolution player. On well recorded stuff (DMP, Delos, Telarc, Audioquest, new Sony dsd... 
Tube output stage CD player ?
I'm not particularly technical, but the common meaning is that a CD player which uses tubes in its analog stage would be considered a tube CD player. 
What are U using? Coax,ATT,XLR??
You should call Jerry Ozment at Audio Logic. When I spoke with him about adding a second coax input to my unit to let me hook up a DVD player as a 24/96 transport, my recollection is he felt that the coax was the best input option of those availab... 
Is Museatex/Meitner in business?
Glenro: I've dealt with John Wright in the past--is he with Ed Meitner now? If so, Meitner Audio Labs will be all I need; if not, I'd love both addresses, as I'd like to update my PA-6, I thought John did a fine job updating the phono section on i... 
Opinions on Meitner MTR-101 Amps???
Rackon: The JP80 is the Jadis all tube unit; I got mine about 7-8 years ago when they were a little less expensive. I'm prejudiced, but I think it's still one of the best you can get, particularly for classical music. That said, while I miss the J... 
5000 watts?
You have to factor in the heating bills you'll be lowering if you use the Shoreline, if it's the large tube unit I remember? Then it's more of a bargain.