
Responses from rlb61

Bit the Bullet ... Don Sachs Model 2 Preamp
I took delivery of the DS yesterday. Initial impressions ... more height and width to soundstage, more air around instruments and voices, lots of micro- detail, and more b@lls to my system. No doubt, the "b@lls" part (in terms of slam and impact) ... 
To Sell or Keep?
I took delivery of the DS yesterday. Initial impressions ... more height and width to soundstage, more air around instruments and voices, lots of micro- detail, and more b@lls to my system. No doubt, the "b@lls" part (in terms of slam and impact) ... 
Chinese fake cables How fake, how good?
@mazian ... I was not moralizing, at least I didn’t intend to do so. I was simply implying that there are degrees of quality (albeit poor quality), even in cheap knockoffs. 
Chinese fake cables How fake, how good?
You probably got lucky and bought the premium faux cables ... you know, the ones made by little kids paid at $0.03 per day rather than the crappy fake cables made by kids paid at $0.01 per day. 
A tubed integrated amp for Joseph Audio Pulsars?
As a fellow Pulsar owner, I would recommend sticking with SS for power. Although Jeff Joseph told me that a tube amp with at least 60 wpc would work, I have reservations about the efficacy of tube power given the 83dB sensitivity of the Pulsars. A... 
Don Sach's pre amp
@gryphongryph ... thanks. 
Don Sach's pre amp
@gryphongryph ... I'm using Joseph Audio Pulsars and a Musical Fidelity A300cr amp (dual mono, 225 wpc). 
Vibration Isolation
I use these under my Edensound terrastone platforms ... they work and sound great, and are much better than the rubber/cork-filled squares. 
Don Sach's pre amp
@whitestix  ... this is good news, indeed. I recently ordered a fully tricked-out Model 2 from Don with larger caps to drive my low impedance SS power amp and subwoofer. Had to get the black case because the larger caps won't fit in the wood case.... 
Ordered Magico S5 MK II traded S5 MK I - Thoughts - Feedback - Anyone here them?
With all due respect, I would have posed this question before having bought the new speakers ...  that's an awful lot of dough to spend on an unknown quantity, regardless of its familial relationship to your existing Magico's. At a minimum, perhap... 
A New? Way to Buy Loudspeakers??
An absolutely dumb idea ... there is no way that speakers can be evaluated for sound, imaging, nuance, resolution and construction in any meaningful way through this method. It appears to be nothing more than a poor attempt at a hi-tech, low-res s... 
Recondition My Old Plinius M12 Preamp or Junk It For Something Better (and what)?
I would do the mod. You already know you like the sound of the M12, and that it pairs great with the SA100. For many audio nutz like us, finding a great amp/preamp combination often can be a long and expensive process. Why would you want to go thr... 
One Amp To ‘Rule’ Them All....
I think the only answer can be ... "the one that sounds best to your ears." 
Question About DACs
Not for nothing folks, I had asked initially about old vs new DACs. This thread has gone off course somewhat, and I hope that we can get it back on track. Thanks. 
Take a chance on Piegas?
I would stick with a brand (foreign or domestic) that's well-known in the USA, particularly if you're concerned about resale value. Resale on the Piegas likely will result in a significant loss because there is essentially no meaningful market for...