

Responses from russ69

What exactly is a speaker box sound?
Most good designs try to minimize the diffraction effect, you'll mostly lose imaging and depth.   
Book Shelf Speaker advice - Formerly Book Shelf Dilemma
Your living room...is a living room. You are not setup for a listening room as far as I can tell.   
Get both.  
Downward firing speaker port and domestic issues
Panel speakers work good for this. Not much energy goes anywhere but on axis.  
The big Gensis are back, but what about Arion?
I guess I have a use for my Infinity RS1B woofer towers now.   
Preamp for Parasound and B&W803d2
Something lively and tube based.   
So, I listened to a $1Million Dollar System
Demos are meaningless if they play their music. Come to my house, I'll play my tunes and blow you away. If you bring your own music YMMV.   
Cary SLP-98 history and iterations
The F1 version was a special run for Upscale audio. I loved mine. I would call Cary and ask what are the best bang-for-the-bucks upgrades and buy that new. It’s a product you’ll keep for a lifetime.  
Need a little help with Original Parasound JC-1 amp(s)
If you use the high bias setting and are driving your loudspeakers hard, they have a significant thermal load. My brother failed his driving Magnepan 3.6s. I think I would set my bias to low unless I was driving easy loads at normal volume. YMMV.  
Need a little help with Original Parasound JC-1 amp(s)
Paarasound made some improvements and upgrades over the years. How do they sound?  
Please any idea how to plug in Tara Labs RCA connectors very close together? Thanks
Have the outside barrels turned down. Maybe call Tara Labs. I quit using oversize connectors because of issues like this.   
The goal of audio reproduction
@jakleiss "I don't care if it matches the real performance exactly. I care that I like it." Well, Doctor, I think you got it right. We are listening to the art of recorded music and playback, not the real thing.  
Is the seated-centered solo listening to music a dated tech?
Have fun with omni loudspeakers, some create a sense of space. But the best sound stage loudspeakers for me have been direct radiators, perhaps that is because that's how recordings are mixed in the studio.    
Magnepan LRS in the house!
@rbertalotto If I pull them out another 3 feet, they will be like earphones! No, yours looked pretty good.  
Magnepan LRS in the house!
@beatlebum Pull those out another 2 or 3 feet and some toe-in if you haven't already.