Responses from russ69
What exactly is a speaker box sound? Most good designs try to minimize the diffraction effect, you'll mostly lose imaging and depth. | |
Book Shelf Speaker advice - Formerly Book Shelf Dilemma Your living a living room. You are not setup for a listening room as far as I can tell. | |
Cartridges Get both. | |
Downward firing speaker port and domestic issues Panel speakers work good for this. Not much energy goes anywhere but on axis. | |
The big Gensis are back, but what about Arion? I guess I have a use for my Infinity RS1B woofer towers now. | |
Preamp for Parasound and B&W803d2 Something lively and tube based. | |
So, I listened to a $1Million Dollar System Demos are meaningless if they play their music. Come to my house, I'll play my tunes and blow you away. If you bring your own music YMMV. | |
Cary SLP-98 history and iterations The F1 version was a special run for Upscale audio. I loved mine. I would call Cary and ask what are the best bang-for-the-bucks upgrades and buy that new. It’s a product you’ll keep for a lifetime. | |
Need a little help with Original Parasound JC-1 amp(s) If you use the high bias setting and are driving your loudspeakers hard, they have a significant thermal load. My brother failed his driving Magnepan 3.6s. I think I would set my bias to low unless I was driving easy loads at normal volume. YMMV. | |
Need a little help with Original Parasound JC-1 amp(s) Paarasound made some improvements and upgrades over the years. How do they sound? | |
Please any idea how to plug in Tara Labs RCA connectors very close together? Thanks Have the outside barrels turned down. Maybe call Tara Labs. I quit using oversize connectors because of issues like this. | |
The goal of audio reproduction @jakleiss "I don't care if it matches the real performance exactly. I care that I like it." Well, Doctor, I think you got it right. We are listening to the art of recorded music and playback, not the real thing. | |
Is the seated-centered solo listening to music a dated tech? Have fun with omni loudspeakers, some create a sense of space. But the best sound stage loudspeakers for me have been direct radiators, perhaps that is because that's how recordings are mixed in the studio. | |
Magnepan LRS in the house! @rbertalotto If I pull them out another 3 feet, they will be like earphones! No, yours looked pretty good. | |
Magnepan LRS in the house! @beatlebum Pull those out another 2 or 3 feet and some toe-in if you haven't already. |