

Responses from russ69

OHM A'S are they rare?
Contact OHM.    Ohm A | Legacy Products | Ohm Speakers | Custom Audiophile Speakers for Music & Home Theater  
So I was changing a lightbulb last night…
Time to get a battery powered TT light.   
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
...I really don't feel good about hanging out with rude, snobby people... You ain't alone.  
To preamp or not to preamp. That is the question.
I'm a minimalist when it comes to signal path.  Way back in the day, I drove an amp with my CD player. It was the shortest path. The problem was it sounded like a digital version of music. It didn't last the day, it was awful. The addition of a... 
KT88 for McIntosh MC275 mk.IV?
I think that amp is auto bias? Does it auto bias each tube, a pair of tubes, or the whole lot? If it's the whole lot, they can go anywhere and you should have bought a matched quad. If it auto biases two tubes put the matched pairs in each paired ... 
JBL model L150 woofer cone color question
If they are JBL replacements, no real problem. Another brand replacement and they will not sound the same.  Most large JBL woofers are paper fiber cones that are easily replaced although you always want to do both sides, so they are matched, ev... 
To preamp or not to preamp. That is the question.
Any time a component can be eliminated from the chain the result is better sound! Not if the output of the device is a mismatch. Bluesound Node 2i is designed to plug into a preamp, a preamp is designed to plug into an amplifier. The signals a ... 
KT 88 with Leben cs 600
The KT88 and the EL34 are not directly interchangeable. Although some amps can handle both types of tubes. Your Leben is not designed for the KT88. I would call the importer and ask that question.   
Has anyone truly compared Vintage vs. Modern?
They don't make them like they used to...and it's a good thing. One thing of note is that the old power transistors are not made anymore. They have been replaced with better sounding designs. NPN/PNP/JFET/MOSFET/FET all have been designed and impr... 
To preamp or not to preamp. That is the question.
You have heard this before; "The preamp is the heart of a system". You can argue that from many angles, but millions of audiophiles are not wrong.   
My New Magnepan 1.7i's sound dull and lifeless on the top end...why?
Did the original post guy have any changes to his?  Yes, he had pushed the banana plug in too far and it was contacting elements. Your issue may be different. I didn't like my Mac 402 with my .7 Maggies. Much better with a Parasound A21 and a l... 
Choosing new drivers/crossover in a speaker build
Do you have to tools to measure your loudspeaker?  
How much is about the recording
...we sort of need a few in each gendre, maybe even including Country... Jamey Johnson "That Lonesome Song".  Album of the year, not one bad cut.    
How much is about the recording
Only a deluded fool believes their system can make a bad recording sound good. Given enough tools, I'm pretty sure I could make a bad recording at least sound acceptable. But I still agree with what you are saying.  
Butcherblock Acoustics "feet" effecting sound and isolation
Dang, I'm going to sound like Amir. The right way to do this is measure the frequency and amplitude of the device you want to isolate. The next best is to put your gear on solid bases and hope you are addressing the issue. I've been dragging a 200...